August 2022

I Engineering : Sustainability as a Change Catalyst in Universities I

I Biotechnology : Solar Energy and Bio Energy I Biotechnology : Pollution and Remediation I

I Physiotherapy : Geriatrics I Engineering: Innovation and Technology I

I Education: Academia and Industry ' What's next? I Business: Digitalization and Accounting I

I Information Technology: Academia and Industry I Engineering : Advances in Pavement Materials I

FEQS 30 Aug 2022.pdf
CPS 29 Aug 2022.pdf
FBC 24 Aug 2022 Digitalization and Accounting.pdf
FBC 24 Aug 2022.pdf
FEQS 24 Aug 2022.pdf
FHLS 20 Aug 22.pdf

FEQS 150822.pdf
FHLS 18 Aug 2022.pdf
FHLS 24 Aug 2022.pdf