Past Events

 INTI Alumni Networking Dinner in Shanghai

16 April 2024: 🌟 Last night, marked a milestone as 22 INTI alumni, 6 INTI representatives & 2 others gathered for our first Networking Dinner abroad in Shanghai, China, at Shanghai International Studies University's Guest House.

🌟 Dr Joseph Lee, Vice Chancellor of INTI International University, welcomed everyone, setting the tone for an evening filled with camaraderie. Alumni enjoyed a delicious dinner, exchanged memories, and forged new bonds.

🌟 The event looked towards the future, with our Career Services team highlighting ways INTI and alumni can support each other professionally. Alumni also voiced their needs and expectations, fostering a dialogue for mutual growth.

🌟 A significant moment was the launch of the INTI China Alumni Chapter, a platform for alumni worldwide to stay connected and informed about events and opportunities.

🌟 The night ended with a group photo, capturing the memories and bonds shared. Thank you to everyone who joined us. Here's to many more gatherings! Stay connected, stay inspired! 📸🌟

#INTIAlumni #NetworkingDinner #ShanghaiChapter #BuildingConnections #CreatingMemories

Educational Conference on Malaysian Private Education

24 March 2024: We're thrilled to share the highlights from our recent event, the "Trail of Lights" book launch and educational forum! 📖✨

The event, held on March 24, 2024, at the prestigious Tan Yew Sing Auditorium, INTI International College Subang, was a resounding success, bringing together an enthusiastic audience eager to delve into the inspiring journey of Datuk Tan Yew Sing, Founder & Chairman of INTI Group.

Book Launch:

At the heart of the event was the unveiling of "Trail of Lights," a captivating narrative chronicling Datuk Tan Yew Sing's extraordinary odyssey, from the inception of INTI International University and Colleges to his impactful contributions to society. Attendees were treated to an afternoon brimming with inspiration and enlightenment as they gained insights into the visionary leadership and unwavering dedication that shaped the INTI legacy.

Educational Forum:

In addition to the book launch, attendees had the privilege of engaging in thought-provoking discussions at the educational forum, "The Ways Forward for Malaysia's Private Institutions." Esteemed leaders from three other private universities enriched the discourse with their invaluable perspectives and expertise, sparking meaningful dialogue on the future trajectory of higher education in Malaysia.

Date & Venue:

🗓️ Date: March 24, 2024 (Sunday)

🕛 Time: 12:30 PM – 5:00 PM

📍 Venue: Tan Yew Sing Auditorium, INTI International College Subang

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all attendees, speakers, and partners for their unwavering support and contribution to making this event a memorable success. Together, we illuminated new pathways of knowledge and inspiration, reaffirming our commitment to excellence in education and community enrichment.

INTI Global ESG Symposium 2024 

Did you ever feel like ESG was playing hide-and-seek with your brain cells? 🤔 Well, fear not, because at our recent event, we shed light on this essential concept, unraveling its intricacies and empowering attendees to become active participants in shaping a sustainable future! 🌱👥📊

ESG Unveiled:

Environmental 🌱, Social 👥, Governance 📊 – these three pillars, when combined, form the cornerstone of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) principles. Our event served as a beacon, illuminating the path towards a more sustainable and responsible tomorrow.

You're the Player! 🌟

But here's the exciting part – you're not just a mere spectator in this journey. YOU are the PLAYER too! Each individual has the power to make a meaningful impact by embracing and embodying ESG values in their personal and professional spheres.

Industry Convergence:

We take immense pride in fostering an environment where INTI industry partners from diverse sectors come together to delve into the realm of ESG. Through collaborative efforts and shared insights, attendees gained a deeper understanding of ESG principles and explored practical strategies for implementation.

At INTI Global ESG Symposium 2024, we believe that collective action is the key to unlocking a sustainable future. By harnessing the power of ESG, we pave the way for positive change, one step at a time.

Thank you to all our esteemed attendees, partners, and speakers for contributing to the success of this event. Together, we embark on a journey towards a brighter, more sustainable tomorrow.

Stay tuned for future endeavors as we continue to champion sustainability and innovation!

Alumni Industry Sharing session

24 Feb 2024: We're excited to share the highlights from our recent Alumni Industry Sharing Session 2024, where we delved into the captivating topics of "Personalization in Guest Experiences and Sustainability in Hospitality." 🏨

Event Details:

The event provided a golden opportunity for our esteemed alumni to share their industry expertise with graduating students. Through engaging discussions and insightful presentations, alumni imparted invaluable insights into the dynamic realms of personalization and sustainability within the hospitality sector.

Beyond knowledge exchange, the session served as a prime networking opportunity for both alumni and students. Participants had the chance to connect, exchange ideas, and forge meaningful professional relationships that transcend boundaries and foster collaboration.

We extend our sincere gratitude to our esteemed alumni speakers for generously sharing their time, expertise, and wisdom with our students. Your contributions have undoubtedly left an indelible mark on our community, inspiring and empowering the next generation of hospitality leaders.

A heartfelt thank you to all attendees for your active participation and enthusiasm throughout the session. Your passion for learning and commitment to excellence are the driving forces behind our collective success.

Stay tuned for more enriching opportunities to connect, learn, and grow as we continue to bridge the gap between academia and industry.

Alumni Sharing Knowledge

Building a Professional Network

Mark your calendars for an exciting event on 31st January 2024 (Wednesday) from 4 pm to 5 pm! Join us on Microsoft Teams for an Alumni Sharing Knowledge session where INTI alumni will reveal the secrets to "Building a Professional Network."

Don't miss out on this valuable opportunity to gain insights and connections that can shape your future success! Kindly register now.

Alumni Networking Session

Alumni Speed Networking

Date: 23 September 2023 (Saturday)

Time: 10am to 12pm

Venue: Function Room, Level 3, Block B,  INTI International College Subang

Registration Link: 

Alumni Leadership Series

"Driving Into The Future: A Brief Exploration Internet Of Vehicles & Its Transformative Potential"

11 July 2023: The long awaited Alumni Leadership Series was organised by INTI Penang Career Services, featuring Dr Kwong Chiew Foong, the Associate Professor in Electrical and Electronic Engineering of University of Nottingham Ningbo China. The session commenced with the speaker introduction. Afterward, the session proceeded with a sharing session on the transformative potential of IoV in the future, hosted by Dr Kwong. He has highlighted that IoV has the potential to transform transportation by connecting vehicles, infrastructure and people, leading to improved safety, efficiency and sustainability. Furthermore, he has shared about the challenges that should be addressed to fully realise the potential of IoV. A participant commented that this topic was indeed “interesting to learn”. Another participant also commented “Very interesting topic. Well done!”. 

INTI Alumni Olympic Day & Homecoming 2023

17 June 2023: Sports have always been a powerful medium for fostering unity, promoting physical well-being, and cultivating a sense of camaraderie among individuals. In the spirit of celebrating these values, INTI International University & Colleges organised the INTI Alumni Olympic Day & Homecoming which brought together former students, faculty, and staff to participate in a range of sports activities.

Organised by the Career Services Department and Alumni Unit, the event themed Honouring Our Past, Building Our Future showcased the spirit of sportsmanship while strengthening the bonds between alumni and the university. Participants eagerly took part in various sports activities such as basketball, futsal, badminton, table tennis, tug of war and telematch, giving them the chance to reunite with old friends and new.

In his opening speech, Chong Kok Wai, CEO of INTI International University & Colleges, said it was incredible to have INTIans from campuses across the country come together, but he also reminded participants to have fun.

“We’re about to embark on a day of fierce competition, intense rivalries, and memories that will make us laugh until our sides hurt. Today is not about breaking world records or winning gold medals, but about embracing the sweat, the laughter, and the moments of triumph that bring us together,” he said as he launched the event.

Alumni Networking Session

"Entrepreneurship in a Business Start-Up"

10 June  2023 : The first Alumni Networking Session for 2023 was held on a Saturday afternoon with Datuk Tan Yew Sing, Founder and Chairman of INTl International University & Colleges sharing on some insightful knowledge on starting up business and on how students could prepare for the future and be closer to where they are aiming to be. Firstly, he shared on the vital entrepreneurship skills one should possess which includes having empathy and taking risks. He mentioned, "never give up no matter what happens" cause in business there will always be ups and downs. This was mentioned a few times during the sharing session and this showed the importance of never giving up in any situations. Moving on, the question and answers sessions went on with incredible questions from students and alumni who joined. Overall, it is a good and interactive sharing session as The participants were actively asking questions and interested to knowing more about the business industry. 

Alumni Sharing Knowledge

"Careers In Digital Marketing"

20 April 2023 :  The "Alumni Sharing Knowledge was held with our esteemed INTI alumni including Nicole Tan, Kasthuri Shanmugam, Jason Cheah, and Charissa Loh. They generously shared valuable tips and tricks on digital marketing with the students, and emphasized the significance of business branding, target audience, and brand identity. To establish a strong online presence, it is crucial for a business to stay active and engage with its audience. In addition, they advised students to create unique brand guidelines such as font size, color, and brand logo to attract more customers. Ms. Kasthuri also suggested that students should be prepared to answer job interview questions by knowing their portfolio and final year project in order to be better positioned compared with other candidates. As a final takeaway, alumni highlighted that “marketing acts as a bridge between branding and sales, and a successful business requires a strong digital presence, knowledge of the brand, niche market, and an understanding of the most effective channels to reach the target audience.” 

Alumni Leadership Series

"Journey to Stardom"

19 April 2023 : Our very own INTI Alumni, Tan Vui Chuan (VChuan) joined the first Alumni Leadership Series where he shared valuable tips from his journey to success. Currently, he is the Founder of Ascents Music Entertainment and is residing in Taiwan, China. During the session, he shared on 5 points which led him to his current position which were Passion, People, Profession, Persuasive and Predominance. He also shared his struggles at a young age when he was dreaming to pursue a career in music professionally. He even joined singing competitions and won them. He climbed the success ladder from that moment to what he became today. He also shared that he even the COVID-19 pandemic  didn't stop him from producing music. Once the pandemic was settled, he went to the rural area to teach children on developing their music skills. He concluded the session by encouraging the participants to work hard to achieve their dreams but even though it will be a challenge, once you achieve it, you will be grateful for all the hard work you put into effort. Lastly, VChuan also announced that all INTIans will receive a special discount on ticket sales for his concert that would be held on 29 April 2023 at Sungai Wang Plaza, Kuala Lumpur. 

Alumni Networking Session 

"My Entrepreneurial Journey"

29 September 2022: The very first physical Alumni Networking Session was hosted at INTI Penang newly renovated cafeteria. The event started with networking among alumni, staff and students where they sharing about their current status & exchanging business contact. After that, the invited keynote speaker Mr. Tan Suan Sear was invited to share about this entrepreneurial journey as the co-founder of Delivereat to current group head of AirAsia Food. Suan Sear was selflessly sharing the ups & downs as entrepreneur and how the strong support system help him preserve during tough times. After his sharing, some of the students & alumni who have been aspired to become an entrepreneur have been openly asked about the questions they have to Suan Sear. The event was end with Working Professional Programme Sharing session to the alumni who participated. 

Alumni Talk

"My Journey in the Heart of Silicon Valley"

11 August 2022: Career Services conducted a guest talk with INTI alumni, James Ang, who graduated back in 1992 from American University Programme. He is currently working in a world-known companies in Silicon Valley, USA. He first shared his educational experience from SPM up to his Masters of Science in Computer. He further shared on his experience on what happened when he went to what he learned after joining organizations in the Silicon Valley. He also then moved on to share some frequently asked interview questions that his fellow juniors might face in the future. He concluded his session by leaving his juniors some advice such as get a mentor, practice work-life balance, always keep on learning and do not be afraid to ask for help. 

Alumni Networking Session 

"Global Careers"

6 August 2022: Alumni Networking Session was conducted with the special guest speaker Mr Lim Chee Gay, Chief Human Resources Officer at TDCX to share about the topic of Global Careers. He first shared his previous working experience and his perspective on working on different regions. Working for different companies from different region required one to adapt to each differed cultures. By understand which culture one is comfortable with , it can increase the productivity of the employee. Mr Lim encouraged the attendees to learn from working culture of different countries, as it helps to broaden their visions and it would be useful throughout their careers as well. One of the INTI alumni expressed that Alumni Networking Session is a good initiative from Career Services, as it helps alumni from different period gather and share their experiences with each other. 

Alumni Networking Session

"Tomorrow’s Technology, Today’s Reality"

18 June 2022: The long-awaited Alumni Networking Session was kick-started with a session by Professor Ir. Dr. Leong Wai Yie, INTI Alumna of 1999. A successful women that holds several positions in the engineering field, Professor Ir. Dr. Leong shared with us several interesting facts about technology such as artificial intelligent (AI), brain reading robots, 3D printing bones, realistic holograms and artificial neurons on silicon chips. She also shared a video about technology fails and here is an insightful phrase by her “Technology won’t replace teachers but teachers who use technology will probably replace teachers who do not”. This phrase bring an important key takeaway about “Lifelong Learning” and we should fully utilise the technology that we have and keep improving ourselves. Professor Ir. Dr Leong also shared with us on how she overcame the challenges when she was working in overseas during the Q&A session. After that, the participants has been assigned to 5 breakout rooms for the Networking Sessions. 

Alumni Sharing Knowledge 

"Preparing yourself for a Career Life"

17 June 2022: Ir. Prof. Dr. Wai Yie Leong , Pro Vice Chancellor of INTI International University had officiated Alumni Sharing Knowledge (ASK) for this year on 17 June 2022 (Friday), 5pm to 6pm. It featured 3 alumni, Ms Kashmiethaa, Executive, Talent Development & Engagement in Ecoworld, graduated in business psychology; Ms Bernadene Simonne, HR Account Manager in PETRONAS, graduated in Human Resource Management and Mr Yann Min Toe (Jeremy Teo), HR Recruiter in Webhelp, graduated in International Business. The event was hosted by Ms Haryati Hashim, Mass Communication Lecturer alongside Priya Krishna, Student Ambassador. In this ASK event industry insights, career preparation & experience where shared with juniors under the topic “preparing yourself for a career life”. There were much key takeaways knowledge, advice and tips given to students throughout the events by the alumni panelists, which include how to make a good resume, getting a balance in work life, adaptability, dealing with stress, networking, build your foundation and few health tips. For the Q&A session alumni answered some questions about obstacles we can face, increasing employability chance, and how to adapt to work environment. Lastly, we had great closing remarks by Mr Rahula Weladavi; Senior Manager at INTI Career Services.

Alumni Day of Service

 “SEA The Change” 

29 May 2022: INTI’s Alumni Unit kickstarted their first physical event with Alumni Day of Service, “SEA The Change” on 29 May 2022, 7.30am-11.30am at Morib Beach, Selangor. This University Social Responsibility (USR) event aims to keep our beaches clean for marine life and create public awareness on saving mother nature. Participants consisted of INTI’s Alumni, Staff and Students from across campuses along with their family members. INTI’s Chief Executive Officer, Mr Chong Kok Wai gave a welcome speech to officiate the event, followed by a brief opening remark by Henry Oh Heng Li, Special Assistant to YB Michelle Ng, Selangor State Assembly Woman. A warm-up session was then conducted by INTI students, soon after the beach cleaning commence. Participants were divided into 7 groups for the beach cleaning competition.

A total of 463.4kg of garbage had been collected by participants. Group no. 5 emerged as the champion with 96kg worth of garbage collection. Ms. Naomi Yang, Assistant Vice President of Career Services expressed her utmost gratitude to all participants for spending their time in this meaningful activity. She urged everyone to continue to play their part in conserving the environment. INTI has erected a signpost spreading public awareness on keeping the beach clean and caring for the environment, and donated 3 recycling bins that will help the public to recycle waste and keep the beach free from garbage. 

Alumni Sharing Knowledge Session 

Expectations & Challenges From Your First Jobs

22 March 2022: Entering the workforce for the first time, can be absolutely daunting for many students. In this talk with INTI alumni, students were able to learn and get advices from their seniors that experienced it firsthand. The INTI alumni were Nur Zulaikha who is an alumni of 2021 and currently working for EzriLaw Firm, Teoh Mun Hong who is alumni of 2019 and working in Microsoft Malaysia, and lastly Mohnish Patel who is an alumni of 2017 and currently working for PwC Malaysia. Starting of with acquiring critical skills for work, all the alumni expressed a similar sentimental of how they, themselves learn through taking initiative in Career Services events and employer projects. At the start of one’s career journey, it is best to know your own goals while keeping an open mind to learn from others. As Mun Hong said it “Learn it all but not know it all”. Zulaikha and others repeatedly emphasize on the development soft skills and as we are all surrounded by people, working around and for people. Mohnish gave the key takeaway of this session which is to know your own goal that you are aiming for and always dare to reach out to people from the industry to guide you.