
Desmos Classroom

Q & A - Some questions to get us started

What is Desmos?

This is an online learning platform specifically geared towards math. This means it is also very math-friendly with math text, symbols, and graphs! Naturally, some aspects lend a hand to science as well since the two subjects often pair nicely.

What can I expect with this site?

For starters, it links with Google Classroom which makes keeping track of assignments and student work really easy. We also have an Ed Law contract with the site which means we have the green light to let students access all aspects! Lastly, Desmos allows all users to either create their own custom activities or assign pre-made activities created by Desmos themself or other users.

Do I need a subscription?

Nope! Everything I'm going to show you can be accessed for free just by linking your Google account.

The woman behind the site

Hello! If we haven't met already, my name is Savanna Scott and I teach MS/HS math here at Newfield. I grew up right here in town, just off of Main Street, and graduated from Newfield in 2018. I attended Ithaca College for four years, and that's where I earned my bachelor's in Math Education (7-12) and my master's in Childhood Education (1-6).

In January 2022, I was blessed with the opportunity to come back to Newfield to start my full-time teaching career! Being a teacher has been my dream since first grade, and I loved the idea of coming back to serve the community that helped raise me. I'm so happy to be here and excited to share one of my favorite teacher resources with everyone!