Mission Statement and Beliefs
The mission of the Newfane Central School District Music Department is to provide and develop opportunities for all members of the Newfane School District and community, encouraging a lifelong appreciation of music.
Beliefs of the Newfane Music Department:
We believe all people are innately musical and have musical potential.
We believe all people can make a positive musical contribution.
We believe music is a basic element of all cultures and transcends cultural boundaries.
We believe that music is relevant in every life.
We believe in the interdisciplinary value of music.
We believe that the study of music enhances psychomotor, cognitive, perceptual, and emotional growth.
We believe music is unique as an art form, worthy of study for its own sake.
We believe that listening is the basic building block for all musical experiences.
We believe that music is an integral skill for the 21st century.
We believe that music is best learned through active participation in musical experiences.
We believe schools must provide musical opportunities for people to develop aesthetically and emotionally.