Facility/Field Use

Newcastle Elementary School District

Board Policy - 1330 Use of School Facilities

The Governing Board believes that school facilities and grounds are a vital community resource that should be used to foster community involvement and development. Therefore, the Board authorizes the use of school facilities by district residents and community groups for purposes specified in the Civic Center Act, to the extent that such use does not interfere with school activities or other school-related uses. 

If you have questions or would like to submit a Facility Use Application, please contact Alison Gibson - agibson@newcastle.k12.ca.us 916-259-2832



1) All fees are due at the time of reservation prior to use. CHECKS should be made payable to Newcastle Elementary School District.

2) NESD reserves the right to alter, revoke, or otherwise reschedule events at its sole and absolute discretion. See the complete terms of the Facilities Use Agreement attached.

3) Should a group/organization choose to cancel their facility reservation date(s), a cancellation notice of at least three (3) business days is required in order to receive a full or partial refund.

4) In the event pre-paid facility use dates are not used, a refund check, less a processing fee of $20.00 per unused date, will be mailed to the group/organization.

5) APPROVAL REQUIRED at least ten (10) working days prior to the date(s) of use requested.

6) APPROVAL PENDING availability of facilities and district support staff.

7) MUST provide a Certificate of Insurance naming the Newcastle Elementary School District as “additional insured.”

8) Attach a set-up diagram with this application if applicable.

Newcastle - FUA - Schedule of fees -1 page FINAL 2-24-22.pdf