A+ Scholarship Program

-- What is the A+ Schools Program? --

The A+ Schools Program is a school improvement initiative established by the Outstanding Schools Act of 1993. The key goal of A+ schools is to assure that all students, when they graduate, are well-prepared to pursue advanced education, employment, or both.

The A+ Schools Program at Rolla High School provides an excellent opportunity for students to earn financial incentives at any Missouri public community college, junior college, or vocational school.

RHS A+ Program Resources

A+ Eligibility Requirements
The following requirements must be met to be certified as an A+ student:

Pre-ACT or ACT Math Score AND High School GPA
17 or greater And 2.5 or greater
16 And 2.8 or greater
15 And 3.0 or greater

More facts concerning the A+ program:
A+ Facts Sheet

For more information on the A+ Schools Program go to the
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.