A+ Scholarship Program
-- What is the A+ Schools Program? --
The A+ Schools Program is a school improvement initiative established by the Outstanding Schools Act of 1993. The key goal of A+ schools is to assure that all students, when they graduate, are well-prepared to pursue advanced education, employment, or both.
The A+ Schools Program at Rolla High School provides an excellent opportunity for students to earn financial incentives at any Missouri public community college, junior college, or vocational school.
RHS A+ Program Resources
A+ Eligibility Requirements
The following requirements must be met to be certified as an A+ student:
Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Enter into a written agreement with your high school prior to graduation.
Attend a designated A+ high school for 2 years prior to graduation.
2020 High School Seniors and Forward who attended an A+ designated high school for any 2 years of the 4 years prior to high school graduation have met this requirement.
In addition, regardless of graduation year, if one of the parents is a member of the military on active duty or has retired from the military and relocated to Missouri within one year of their retirement, the student is exempt from this requirement. However, they must attend an A+ designated high school in the school year immediately preceding graduation and meet all of the other high school eligibility requirements.
Graduate from an A+ designated high school with an overall unweighted grade point average of 2.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale.
Have at least a 95% attendance record overall for grades 9-12.
Perform at least 50 hours of unpaid tutoring or mentoring, of which up to 12.5 hours may include job shadowing prior to graduation.
High school policy may allow this criterion to be met up to 6 months beyond high school graduation in exceptional circumstances.
Maintain a record of good citizenship and avoid the unlawful use of drugs and/or alcohol while in grades 9-12.
Have achieved a score of proficient or advanced on the Algebra I end of course exam or a higher level DESE approved end-of-course exam in the field of mathematics.
2018 High School Seniors and Forward - If a student meets all of the eligibility requirements for their high school graduating class except the end of course exam requirement, they may establish eligibility by achieving a combined Pre-ACT or ACT math sub-score and high school GPA in accordance with the following scale.
Pre-ACT or ACT Math Score AND High School GPA
17 or greater And 2.5 or greater
16 And 2.8 or greater
15 And 3.0 or greater
A student may achieve the qualifying score as a high school or postsecondary student. If the student achieves the score as a postsecondary student, they may be eligible for an award in the same term that they take the test provided that they established eligibility before the institution's reimbursement request is submitted.
More facts concerning the A+ program:
A+ Facts Sheet
For more information on the A+ Schools Program go to the
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.