Physical Education

Welcome to PE

at Little Mountain Elementary!

It is my hope that through LME's P.E. program your students will develop PHYSICAL LITERACY.

What is Physical Literacy?

If you're wondering what it is, or why it's important - check out the videos below:

As more research is done on exercise, sport, and physical education, the more obvious the importance of each and every student developing physical literacy becomes. Physical education is not just important for those students that want to be athletes, but for everyone to develop social, emotional and physical skills that they will need for the rest of their lives.

Not only is Physical Education important for health, but it also improves academic performance, emotional well being and overall helps students achieve success in life through goal setting, developing perseverance, learning to use teamwork, and improving self-confidence.

My curriculum focuses on the state and national standards, learning to be a good sport, and having FUN. It is my hope, that this program will help equip your students with the skills and knowledge they will need to lead healthy and active lifestyles.