
Welcome to Psychology! Psychology is the study of the human mind and its functions; especially those functions that impact human behavior. The goal of this course is to provide students with an introductory level of knowledge concerning key concepts, principles, and issues required to understand human behavior. 

Psychology Syllabus

2023 – 2024


Levi Joiner                                                                                                      Email:

Room 504                                                                                               Phone: 364-2134 (ex. 80504)

Planning Period: 3rd block      


Course Objectives:

Welcome to Psychology! Psychology is the study of the human mind and its functions; especially those functions that impact human behavior. The goal of this course is to provide students with a broad, general, and introductory level of knowledge concerning key concepts, principles, and issues required to understand human behavior. Special emphasis is placed on:

·       Approaches to Psychology, Methodology, & Research

·       Biopsychology (The Human Brain and its Systems)

·       Sensation & Perception

·       Learning & Cognition

·       Motivation & Emotion

·       Developmental Psychology

·       Personality & Differences

·       Mental Health & Abnormal Behavior

·       Social Psychology

By the end of the course, the student will be able to identify and discuss concepts, theories, therapies, and techniques used in the study of human behavior.


Textbook (Class Set):

Rathus, S. (2010). Psychology: Principles in Practice. Austin, Texas: Holt McDougal.


Materials Needed Daily:

Students are expected to come to class daily with the following materials assignments and activities:

1.     School issued laptop* (coming to class without your device will effect your grade)

2. Notebook or Binder

3.     Pencils/Writing Utensils

4.     MCHS agenda


Suggested Materials:

1. Colored Pencils/Markers/Crayons

2. Highlighters

3. Notecards (for vocabulary)


Grading Procedures:

Psychology is a 1-credit elective course, seven of which are required for graduation. The grading scale used is the State Uniform Grading Policy as stated in the Mid-Carolina High School Student and Parent Handbook.  It is summarized below:


A = 100-90

B = 89-80 

C = 79-70  

D = 69-60  

F = 59 or lower


Each nine weeks and interim grades will be determined using the following policy:


Different types of assignments will have different degrees of impact on the student’s final course grade.  The final course grade will be broken down as follows:


Quarter Grade:


Semester Grade:


Final Course Grade:




Quarter 1


Semester 1:     


Minor (Quizzes, Journals, etc.):


Quarter 2


Semester 2:     


Major (Tests & Projects):


Mid-Term/Final Exam






The homework assignments in this class will consist of reading assignments, written assignments, and occasional project work. All assignments should be completed and turned in on the assigned days. Any delays or extensions should be cleared with the teacher prior to the due date. Extensions will not be granted after the due date has passed.


Make-Up Work:

Any missed assignment must be made-up. If a student is absent for a quiz or test then they must schedule a time to make up the assessment with the teacher. In addition:

1. It is the student’s responsibility to find out what assignments they have missed.

2. All make-up work must be completed and turned in within 5 classes.

3. A late class or homework assignment turned in late will be docked by 50 points.

4. A late major assignment will be docked 10 points a day.

5. A zero will entered into the gradebook the first day an assignment is late and will be changed once the assignment is turned in.

6. Make-up work may not be completed during class time.



A student may retake 2 major and 2 minor assessments per semester. To redo an assessment, please schedule a time to come outside of regular class time. Please note that these opportunities will be complete retakes, not corrections to the previously completed work. It is the student’s responsibility to make up an assignment, not the teacher’s.


Academic Integrity:

Cheating will not be tolerated in any form. Those who attempt to cheat or copy the work of others will automatically receive a zero on that assignment. This includes classwork and homework assignments.

This course uses a mix of tests, quizzes, and small projects. You must produce original work. Cheating is considered as knowingly using the work of someone else or using unauthorized resources to complete tests, quizzes, etc.  Plagiarism – the use of another writer’s ideas – is considered intellectual and academic theft and will not be tolerated.  If you plagiarize work, you will receive a zero on the assignment. Please refer to page 4 of the student handbook for further definitions and consequences of cheating and plagiarism.


Extra Credit:

Extra credit may be given over the course of the year at the teacher’s discretion. Extra credit is a privilege that will be afforded to the entire class, not just a single student.


Extra Help:

Teacher office hours are Wednesdays from 8-10. I am available through email every day of the week. It is a student’s responsibility to reach out to me if they need help in class. I am here to help you…but you have to ask!




Classroom Rules and Procedures:

Students must follow all school rules as outlined in the school handbook. You will find most of the following to be merely a matter of common sense and acceptable behavior. In addition, since I believe that all high schools students can conduct themselves in a mature manner, the following rules must be followed while in class:

1.     Respect yourself, the teacher, & your peers at all times.

2.     Follow all school emergency and health guidelines.

3.     Turn off all mobile electronic devices.

4.     No food or drinks in class, only water.

5.     Stay in your seat unless you have permission otherwise.

6.     Arrive to class on time and ready to learn.

7.     Come prepared for class each day.


Discipline Policy:

Failure to comply with these expectations will result in the following consequences:

1. Verbal Warning / Redirection

2. Student & Teacher Discussion

3. Lunch Detention (Possible Parent Contact)

4. After-School Detention (Automatic Parent Contact)

5.     Referral to Administrator (Potential Parent Conference) *


* Please note that the teacher reserves the right to skip steps or take alternative action if student behavior warrants it.


Learning Norms (Secrets for Success):

A.    Do Your Best Work & Turn It in on Time.

B.    Always Put Forth Your Best Effort.

C.    Pay Attention, Participate and Ask Questions.

D.    Preserve a Positive Learning Environment.

E.    Take Ownership.


Classroom expectations, procedures, consequences have been discussed here, and are elaborated upon further in an additional document that will be provided to students, as well as discussed in-depth during class.