Student Competition
Are you interested in having your students participate in the Bridgeport Bridge Restoration Project Student Competition? Please read the competition requirements below. Teachers will need to submit student permission slips and artwork by Friday, February 28, 2020. Permission slips and projects may be emailed or dropped off in person to NCSoS ATTN: Teena Corker at To drop permission slips/projects off in person or mail directly, please send to Nevada County Superintendent of Schools Office, ATTN: Teena Corker, Bridgeport Bridge Restoration Project, 380 Crown Point Cir, Grass Valley, CA 95945. To indicate your intent to participate, please complete the short Google form below and download the student permission slip for printing. Electronic submissions may be emailed directly to Teena Corker at by Friday, 2/28/20. Physical presentations must be delivered to the NCSoS Office, no later than 5pm on Friday, 2/28/20.
STUDENT PERMISSION SLIPS - Required for Competition Registration
Please download and print permission slips (CLICK HERE TO VIEW & PRINT) for each student entry a project into the Bridgeport Bridge Restoration Project Student Competition. All permission slips must be emailed to Teena Corker at or delivered to Nevada County Superintendent of Schools Office by Friday, February 28, 2020 to be eligible to compete.