Holiday Bazaar

Wait! Don’t haul all those boxes of Christmas Decoration down to the basement!

Has your Christmas décor changed?

Grown Kids not interested in your old ornaments?

Tired of lugging them down to the basement?

Boxes and Boxes collecting dust year round?

Don’t know what to do with all the accumulation of years gone by?

Ready to support a good cause and find new homes for your treasures of Christmas past?

The Nevada Community Historical Society is seeking donations for a future fund raising event! Donating your gently used Tree ornaments and tabletop decorations is a great way to clear out some of that clutter in your basement and help raise funds for preservation of our community’s past!

So before you pack up all those old ornaments and haul them back down to the basement consider donating any unwanted items to the Nevada Community Historical Society.

Donations can be made at the Nevada History Center located at 624 J Avenue Nevada. Open the 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month from 9-12. Donations can also be made by appointment by calling Jenny Helland at 382-4510.