Safety Regulations

Please remember that riding a Nevada R-5 bus is a privilege, not a requirement. To insure good transportation service, students and parents should become familiar with the following safety rules. 

If it becomes necessary for a child to miss riding his/her bus for 3 or more consecutive days, it will be necessary for the parent or guardian to notify the transportation supervisor at 417-448-2096 to have bus service resumed.

In order to ensure a safe and orderly ride to and from school for everyone, it is important that riders understand that the bus driver and/or sponsors are responsible for the passengers. They are in charge

The rules of good classroom conduct are the same as expectations for good bus conduct. 

1.  Do not extend any part of your body or belongings out of the bus window. 

2.  Leave the bus windows closed except during hot weather or with the permission of the bus driver. 

3.  Keep voices at a normal conversational tone. Do not yell or make loud noises that may distract the driver. 

4.  Report any damage to the driver so prompt repair can be made. Glass breakage, seat damage and other acts of vandalism will be paid for by the student(s) responsible and may result in other assigned discipline. 

5.  Animals will not be transported on the bus. 

6.  Food and drink are not appropriate on the bus. Exceptions to this may be made on activity trips. 

7.  Inappropriate behaviors which will result in disciplinary action include: swearing, persistent refusal to submit to the authority of the driver, use or possession of tobacco, scuffling or fighting, littering and/or throwing objects from the bus, moving around while the bus is in motion, being excessively loud, vandalism to the bus, etc. 

Violations of the bus rules and disregard for the driver’s authority will be reported to the building principal and may result in the following discipline being assigned: 

1st violation -- Warning letter sent home and/or conference with parents

2nd violation --Up to 5-day bus suspension

3rd violation --Up to 10-day bus suspension

4th violation --Up to suspension for the remainder of the semester

Serious violations could result in immediate and long term suspension regardless of the number of previous violations. 

With cooperation, consistency and good communication between parents, students and the school, we can provide safe and efficient transportation services for all Nevada R-5 students. 

Sept 2017