Frequently Asked Questions

When does the program begin/end?

October 10th, 2022 to January 27th, 2023.

What are the details of the different kinds of mentorships available?

The Art track is for people interested in careers in the art department. Jobs include visual development, character and prop design, background/layout design and paint, etc.

The Story track is for people interested in careers in storyboarding.

The Writing track is for people interested in careers in writing for animated content. Jobs include staff writer, script coordinator, writing assistant, etc.

The CG/3D track is for people interested in careers in asset creation or character animation. Jobs include modeling, texturing, rigging, animation, previs, etc.

The Editorial track is for people interested in animatic editing. Jobs include assistant editor and editor.

The Production Management track is for people interested in careers in production. Jobs include production assistant, production coordinator, production manager, line producer, etc.

The Informational track is for people with a passion for animation who are uncertain which career path is right for them. This track will cover, at least in part, all of the above disciplines with the goal of giving mentees a solid understanding of jobs in the industry and advice on what is needed to land those jobs.

How are mentors and mentees matched?

The application process for mentees collects information about the mentee’s skills, program goals, career goals, and portfolio/writing samples. Using this information, we connect mentees with mentors based on the mentee’s interests and mentor’s expertise.

What is the time commitment?

Netflix Animation will provide monthly hour-long learning opportunities covering career development topics. The mentorship is a guaranteed total of 8 hours over a four-month period with at least one touch point per month. The schedule is determined by the mentor's availability and preference. There are optional office hours with program management available as well.

Is the program be open to participants worldwide?

Yes. As this is a remote program, mentees sourced from our partner organization are welcome to apply regardless of location.

Will the program be open to referrals?

No, only mentees sourced from our partner organization will be accepted into the program.