Overview: 3rd-5th

Physical Education: 3rd-5th Grade

Level 2: Repetition and Continue Building 

During this stage of our program students are continuing to develop a solid foundation through more advanced and applied movements and skill themes. They will begin to combine movements and develop sport skills. Students will begin to understand and define certain fitness components as well as practice individual skills/exercises essential for safe and healthy living. At this stage the main goal is repetition and opportunities in order to ensure a complete foundation before moving to the next stage.

"I've missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed."  -Michael Jordan 

Here are some examples of activities/games/sports your child will experience at this level! 

Modified Team Games/Skills

- Basketball (Dribbling, Passing, etc.)

- Flag Football (Throwing, Catching, etc.)

- Pillo Polo (Striking, etc.)

- Softball/Baseball Skills (Striking, Tossing, etc.)

- Soccer (Kicking, Passing, etc.)

- Volleyball (Bumping, Setting, etc.)

Individual/Group Activities

- Striking with Implements 

- Recreational Games (Horseshoes, etc.)

- Frisbee (Catching, Accuracy, etc.)

- Track and Field (Running, Long Jump, etc.)

- Rhythm and Dance

- Physical Fitness (Strength, Endurance, etc.)

- Jump Rope (Rhythm, Timing, etc.)