Mario Krka

Mario Krka is a senior partner at Divjak, Topić, Bahtijarević & Krka law firm from Zagreb, Croatia. He graduated from Zagreb Law School and holds Master of Law and Business degree from Bucerius Law School, Hamburg, and Otto Beisheim School of Management, Vallendar, Germany. He is the head of the firm’s competition department, with many years of experience in all segments of competition law. Mario successfully represented major clients from a range of industries, in merger clearance proceedings as well as in antitrust matters, before the Croatian Competition Agency as well as the High Administrative Court. Mario is also very active in the mergers and acquisitions, and corporate and commercial legal areas. He was a member of the Croatian working group on the transposition of the EU Damages Directive, and is a co-author of the recently published book “Ugovori o distribuciji, EU- Hrvatska” (1st edition, Zagreb, Narodne novine, 2022, with F. Wijckmans and F. Tuytschaever).