Filip Tuytschaever

Filip Tuytschaever co-heads the Competition & EU practice of contrast – European & Business law.

He specializes in EU, competition and distribution law and assists companies and public authorities in proceedings before the EU and national authorities and courts. He has represented the European Commission, the European Banking Authority and the Kingdom of Belgium before the General Court and the Court of Justice of EU, where he acted in more than 50 cases.

Filip is professor of EU competition law at the Law Faculty of the University of Brussels (VUB).

Filip graduated from the University of Ghent, obtained Masters’ degrees in International and European Law (University of Brussels - VUB) and in business management (KUL Leuven - campus Brussels). He was awarded a Ph.D. in law by the Law Department of the European University Institute in Florence (Italy). He was a national expert in the Secretariat-General of the European Commission and an intern in the Legal Service of the European Commission.

He has an extensive publication record on EU competition law, including the books 'Vertical Agreements in EU Competition Law' (3rd edition, Oxford, Oxford University Press 2018, 662 p., with F. Wijckmans), and ‘Horizontal Agreements and Cartels in EU Competition Law’ (Oxford, Oxford University Press 2015, 512 p., ed. with F. Wijckmans).