Judit Firniksz

Judit Firniksz (LL.M, MSc) is a researcher of the Competition Law Research Center at the Pázmány Péter Catholic University, her primary focus falls on the development and regulation of digital economy. Recently, Judit has joined a major telecom company in the position of senior regulatory advisor. In the period between 2006-2021, Judit worked as senior attorney-at-law at PwCLegal Hungary as the head of the competition law group and co-operated as a key member of the retail, pharmaceutical, IT and data protection projects as well. Prior to this position, from 1998 to 2006, she held various positions (competition analyst, case handler, head of department) at the Hungarian Competition Authority. Judit regularly publishes articles and holds lectures, in 2019 she was honoured to be invited to set up the Digital Markets Working Group of the Hungarian Competition Law Association. In this capacity she has been co-ordinating several projects, among others the preparation of the LIDC national report on the role of national competition authorities in the data driven markets, panel discussion series regarding the EU regulatory initiatives affecting the development of digital markets.