
Aaron Shadi

Mathematics | Computer Science | Physics | History

Level: IGCSE

Hi there! I'm Aaron, and I'm an avid learner. I believe you can never know enough, and that's a beautiful thing. At the same time, being a teacher is something I've always enjoyed, and it's something I take pride in. If you choose to learn with me, I can guarantee you results not only in your grades in the short-term but your results for the rest of your academic years.

Email: 15635@neskt.org

Haya Kaadan 

Biology | Business Studies 

Level: IGCSE

Hi guys, I’m Haya. I’ve always had a passion for biology and business studies, and I have excelled in these subjects throughout my IGCSE course. I’m positive that I am able to help you achieve your target grade as throughout the years I’ve learned many beneficial techniques which may come in handy to you. I am prepared to provide you with notes and study hacks if you choose to take lessons with me! If any of you are struggling, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you! 

Email: 6589@neskt.org

Hasan Sarsour

Physics | Mathematics 

Level: IGCSE & AS

Hi I am Hasan in U63. I enjoy problem solving or just dealing with numbers related to any theory. It is why I chose to tutor you all for Physics and Mathematics. On the surface they might seem like scary subjects however, the more you start understanding mixed in with a lot of practice you will find that they aren't your worst nightmare. 

Email: 14375@neskt.org

Amy AbdelMalek

English Language | English Literature | Mathematics 

Level: IGCSE

Hi, my name’s Amy. I’m willing to help with English, Maths and Literature. I know exactly how it feels to struggle with certain subjects, and I know what helped me - and I’m more than happy to share this with you, too. Lots of motivation and support come guaranteed :) 

Email: 11941@neskt.org

Yousef Hafez

 Mathematics | Chemistry 

Level: IGCSE & AS

Hi! My name is Yousef and I have a great passion for the subjects I will be tutoring. They have always been my strongest subjects. I like them not because I am good at them but because I am interested in the content and enjoy learning about it. My goal is not only to help you achieve the grades you wish for but to help grow a passion and joy for these subjects. I will share with you my tricks and methods but in the end of the day I'm not going to be able to help you simply memorise the content, I will teach you how to understand it and apply your knowledge to the question.

Email: 9192@neskt.org

Stephanie Riyad

Sociology | Biology | Literature | Drama| Chemistry 

Level: IGCSE

My name is Stephanie Riyad, L6-3, and I’d be more than happy to help with Biology, Chemistry Drama, English Literature and Sociology. I’ve always had a particular soft spot for the humanities- learning is a continuous process, and I believe they (socio and lit) give really great perspective on every aspect of our lives. I'd love to dedicate some time making sure you can handle their work, understand them, and most importantly, enjoy them! I've had a similar affinity for biology and chemistry- they've always been my strongest STEM subjects and I am certain we can make them more comprehensive and fun for you too.

Not falling behind is easier said than done, especially when you’re struggling to understand the content, but with our combined efforts I’m sure it’s nothing we can’t deal with :)

Email: 8503@neskt.org

Adelah Bouhasan

Mathematics | Computer Science | Spanish

Level: IGCSE

Hello, I'm Adelah! As someone who has struggled with certain subjects before, I completely understand how frustrating it may be when you simply can't grasp a certain concept. However, that only means I’ve learned how to explain it in a way where I can better understand. Whichever subject it is, by using my methods and resources I hope I can help you improve your knowledge. 

Email: 6606@neskt.org

Omar Kantoush

 Mathematics | Physics | Chemistry | Computer Science | Business Studies | Economics 

Level: IGCSE (All subjects)

            AS - Mathematics & Physics

Hi! I'm Omar and I consider myself to be a funny, sociable and responsible student. My best subjects have always been problem solving subjects such as Maths and physics, I have always enjoyed learning about them and understanding them to a deeper level. With that being said I would love to offer my help in the subjects I have selected and would love to give my tips and strategies to succeed in your exams. Finally, I want to end this by quoting the Greek philosopher Socrates “I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.” This quote shows the importance of using the intellectual faculties and potential inside you.

Email: 7434@neskt.org

Lillian Agha

 Mathematics | English Language 

Level: IGCSE

Hi, I’m Lillian. I’ve always enjoyed Maths and English and can provide many tips and methods that have made these subjects easier for me throughout each year. I love teaching and helping students so feel free to contact me if you need any help. 

Email: 18847@neskt.org

Mohammad Zaiter

Biology | Business Studies

Level: IGCSE

Hi, I'm Mohammad in L6-2 but everyone just calls me Zaiter. I’ve been taking business studies since year 10 and I'm now pursuing it as one of my A levels, I managed to get an A in IGCSE (2 marks away from A*) and I’d say I have enough knowledge in the subject to get you at least an A. My passion for studying about the complexities of the human body in biology is also something that I would love to pass to you through explaining concepts that may seem challenging. 

Email: 15533@neskt.org

Karim soliman

History | Biology| ICT  | Mathematics 

Level: IGCSE

Hello there I am karim Soliman from L6-1 I am a hard working and driven individual who isn’t afraid to face a challenge, i am passionate about my work and i excelled in the following subjects Math,Biology,History and ICT achieving A* in every single one of them and be certain that with my guidance you will be able to achieve the same results. 

Email: 14296@neskt.org

Masa Ali

English Literature | English Language | Sociology |Economics 

Level: IGCSE

Hi, I’m Masa! 

My personal belief is that any subject can fascinate and excite a student with the right teaching methods. I look forward to teaching some of my personal favourites; English, Sociology, and Economics. I’m a creative, enthusiastic, and resourceful person, ready to offer different perspectives and insight onto some of your biggest struggles with the social sciences. Coming into year 10, I found a lot of the topics I had to learn difficult, but through amazing, supportive teachers, I was able to do well at the end of year 11. I hope I can have a similar effect on some of you. Happy Learning!

Email: 8500@neskt.org

Menna El Sayyad

Mathematics | Business Studies

Level: IGCSE

Hi there! My name is Menna El Sayyad, L6-1, and it’s my pleasure to be able to help you with Business and or Mathematics! I’ve always had a particular passion for both these subjects, and I think no matter how “bad” you think you are at them, you can improve for the better. It can be hard trying to understand intermediate equations in Mathematics or memorize all the key definitions for Business Studies, which is why I’d be more than happy to assist you with any questions or difficulties you may face. We can get through these questions together, and I’ll help you step by step :)

Email: 15633@neskt.org

Zainab Nadeem

Mathematics | Chemistry | Biology

Level: IGCSE

Hey there! I'm Zainab and I believe that everyone has hidden talents that can be discovered. I like to tailor my tutoring to individuals to make learning more enjoyable, as it can be tedious at times- but it doesn't have to be!

So, if you're having troubles with those assignements or grasping key concepts in these subjects and enjoy creative and imaginative ways of learning about the human body or atomic bonding or if you've just lost x and can't seem to find him- I'm right here and happy to help:)

Email: 14379@neskt.org

Mohammed Hassan  


Level: IGCSE

Hi, my name is Mohammed Hassan, and I love economics and helping people out. This makes me the perfect candidate to work with, help you understand or review difficult topics in economics, and help you answer economic questions more efficiently.

Email: 11939@neskt.org

Ali Al Jaziri

Mathematics | Chemistry 

Level: IGCSE & AS

My name is Ali, I have always excelled in my subjects and I will dedicate my free time into helping students with their studies as I believe every student has untapped academic potential.

Email: 6236@neskt.org

Omar Sawan 

Biology | Economics | Accounting | Mathematics

Level: IGCSE (All Subjects) 

            AS & A2 - Biology & Mathematics

Hi, I am Omar Sawan, in L6-3. My favourite subjects since    year 9 were always accounting, economics, maths and biology which is the reason why I decided to volunteer to the peer-to- peer learning program and help the less experienced students. Mahatma Gandhi used to say “The future depends on what we do in the present.” With me, I can assure you the best grades and a solution for all your problems.

Email: 15617@neskt.org

Omar Elmihi

Computer Science |Mathematics 

Level: IGCSE

Hello there! I am Omar in L6-1. I consider myself to be light-hearted and a very big Star Wars fan! I have been in school since Year 6 so it is fair to say that I have picked up some tricks along the way. Computer science, in my opinion, is one of those subjects that is difficult to find help with or can take some repetition to understand. Computer Science along with Maths are two subjects I take this year  and I am happy and willing to help you in either one of these at the IGCSE level. This program has truly helped me bring my grades up in one or two of my subjects and I am pleased to have this opportunity to pass that on.

Email: 12032@neskt.org

Judy Dora 

Mathematics | Chemistry | computer Science 

Level: IGCSE

Hi! I'm Judy in L6-2, I’ve always considered myself to be a compassionate, hardworking, and responsible person and I'm committed to helping you get the grades you aspire to get. I understand how certain subjects can be hard to grasp but I’ve gained insight over the past few years into how certain aspects of each subject can be made easier especially in maths, chemistry and computer science and I would love to pass this knowledge on to students who need it.

Email: 9346@neskt.org

Mia Kerr

History | English literature | Economics

Level: IGCSE (All Subjects)

            AS - English Literature

Hi! I’m Mia Kerr and I am in L6-4. I joined NES halfway through year 10 so I understand the pressure that comes with the workload of IGCSE. IGCSE’s can be quite difficult especially when trying to grapple with certain topics and memorising key facts and figures. However, with the right studying techniques, your exams will be a walk in the park. Over the past few years, I’ve adopted skills that have allowed me to achieve my target grades and also be one of the top students in my subjects. 

Since I find a lot of enjoyment in reading, my favourite subjects happen to be history and literature as it provides a greater understanding of our society. Essay writing subjects are my forte and I’d be more than happy to help those that may be struggling with those subjects. If you need any assistance let me know and I’d love to help you achieve your goals :)

Email: 18855@neskt.org

Mostafa Elanany

English Language 

Level: IGCSE

Hello, my name is Mostafa. I really enjoyed learning English because it’s a fantastic tool that helped me communicate effortlessly with others. It’s an awesome ability to have, and I’d love to share it with you. Feel free to ask me about any range of topics in English.

Email: 18625@neskt.org

George Lutfalla

Biology | Mathematics

Level: IGCSE & AS & A2

Hi, I am George Lutfalla , in L6-3. I could go on all day talking about my grades and how privileged I am, but I won't do so because when someone want to prove something, they dont state it, they show it. Albert Einstein once said “If you can’t explain it to a 6 year old, you don’t understand it yourself” and so to test myself to the limit, I decided to help students in Biology and Mathematics, because even though they can get difficult, once you understand them, you get a feeling of fulfilment and victory.

Email: 14294@neskt.org

Batoul Alsalim 

Chemistry | Biology   

Level: IGCSE

Hello! My name is Batoul Alsalim and I like to believe I'm a friendly, well rounded and kind person. I enjoy helping others and help them to reach their goals and objectives to ensure a successful school year. I would love to be able to assist and help out anyone with any chemistry or biology related questions, which you may be struggling with and to give them that push which would lead them to  become much stronger and confident in answering any questions that may come up in any future exams you may have!

Email: 18386@neskt.org

Mariam Saleh 

French | Mathematics   

Level: IGCSE

Hello, I'm Mariam! I have a strong enthusiasm for Maths, as well as languages. I completely understand that Maths can have some topics that are difficult to grasp; so I would love to help you in any aspects that you might find challenging. As for French, I've been learning it for several years now, and I would be more than happy to be able to guide you and help you achieve the grades you're aiming for. Do not hesitate to talk to me if you need any help!

Email: 15628@neskt.org

Yacoub Abuhijleh

Chemistry | Mathematics 

Level: IGCSE

Hello! I'm Yacoub. My initial appearence may give the impression of shyness, but beyond that facade lies a burning passion for education. I've always been drawn to the world of learning, and it's a journey I've pursued with unwavering dedication. My passion for education and strong academic background drive me to connect with fellow students and share my knowledge. 

Email: 14320@neskt.org

Zayna Adeel

Mathematics | Biology

Level: IGCSE   

Hi! My name is Zayna Adeel and I’m in L6-3. I consider myself to be well practiced in both IGCSE Biology and Maths, and I would be more than happy to assist anyone in need.

Email: 6751@neskt.org

Burhan Haji

Mathematics | Physics 

Level: IGCSE (All Subjects)

             AS - Mathematics

Hello! My name is Burhan and I joined NES in Y7. Mathematics and physics could look intimating and complicated at first glance, but with enough practice and determination it becomes very easy. I will help you drastically improve your grades for both mathematics and physics, so please don't be shy to contact me.

Email: 13129@neskt.org

Rene Issa 

Chemistry | Biology | Physics | Mathematics 

Level: IGCSE

Hello! My name is Renée and I’m studying Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. Over the past 2-3 years I have developed techniques in studying the sciences and math that have helped me tremendously in exams, whether that’s in understanding the concept or answering the question, and I’d love nothing more than to help others do the same. I consider myself to be a nice and helpful person, and I really do enjoy science and math as a whole and have a world of knowledge to share.

Email: 7955@neskt.org

Hala Darwish

Business Studies

Level: IGCSE

I’ll lend you some of my business knowledge in exchange for a bit of your time. I can guarantee you, you will master the skill of analyzing, application and evaluating very quickly with me. It’s my third year taking business studies and i’m now taking it at AS level. I want to be a supporter as well as a tutor. IG’s can be very overwhelming and i’m ready to help you overcome the stress.

Email: 7494@neskt.org

Yamin tarek

Physics | Mathematics 

 Level: IGCSE & AS & A2

Hi, I’m Yamin Tarek in U6-2, I've been in NES since Year 3. I’ve been able to have a strong bond with my science subjects; I can offer help for A level and IGCSE maths, AS and IGCSE physics, AS and IGCSE chemistry, I highly excel in maths and you are more than welcome to ask me questions! 

Email: 8316@neskt.org

Syria Billio

Biology | Mathematics | Chemistry

 Level: IGCSE 

Hi, I’m Syria Billio in U6-2 and I am more than happy to help you revise or teach you chemistry, maths or biology from scratch. I have achieved an A* in all of them at IGCSE level, and with hard work and my guidance you can achieve these grades too. :)

Email: 8443@neskt.org