Noelani Daily School Life

May 5, 2023

May Day and May Fair

A long standing tradition at Noelani Elementary School returned on Friday, May 5....May Fair!  Everyone's hard work shined through on a beautiful Manoa May Day, from the entertaining performances from the students to a fun-filled afternoon of games and prizes hosted by the PTA and the talented acts of our Variety Show.  The smiles on the students faces and the joy of the parents' first full return-to-campus event at school was amazing.  IT WAS GREAT TO BE BACK!

November 29, 2022

Aloha Sakaimachi!

On Tuesday, we were so happy that our sister school partners from Sakaimachi could come visit our school! With a warm welcome in Manoa, we chanted a Hawaiian oli to bless us with a beautiful day.  They had lunch and a short hula performance, they toured the campus, and we shared stories. We even got to discuss future visits for the students of Sakaimachi and Noelani with them.  During the tour, they saw the new IDEA (Innovate, Discover, Explore, Achieve) Center that includes our Library, Maker's Space and Technology Lab.  They also visited many different grade level classrooms and some council members even got to play on the play structures a little bit. 

Thank you for visiting us, we cannot wait to see you again!

November 21, 2022

Holiday Performance from the Stevenson Middle School Band

November 18, 2022

STEM Learning at Coconut Island

At today's Professional Development day, Noelani School teachers became the students and engaged in a fun, hands-on STEM learning experience at Coconut Island on the windward side of Oahu.  In partnership with the University of Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, they worked together in teams exploring the "Snapping Shrimp Bioacoustics" activity.  Teachers collected shrimp from the algae in the pond and then tested out their hypothesis in the classroom.  It was a fun and engaging experience that motivated our teachers to return to school and continue to develop curriculum to engage our students in fun and rich STEM learning experiences.

November 1, 2022

Learning Bicycle Safety

Today was an exciting lesson for the fourth graders.  The Hawaii Bicycle League came to visit, teaching students how to safely ride a bike on the road with traffic. They brought bicycles, helmets, and safety vests for everyone to practice riding bikes safely, on the outdoor court. Tomorrow, they are planning to ride their bikes properly around the block. 

October 28, 2022

Tonight was one spooky event. Trunk or treat is a special event during Halloween, where students walk around the school parking lot collecting candy and treats from each trunk. Many families of Noelani students prepare car trunks for students, and decorate them. Unfortunately, because of the bad weather this year, this school event was moved from the parking lot to the locations around campus. Even with the last minute change, many students enjoyed this event, and hope to have many more fun events at school again soon.

Noelani Trunk-or-Treat!

October 27, 2022

Manoa Stream Invasive Fish Catching

Manoa stream is a short 2 minute walk from our school. and is home to some of the native fish of Hawaii, but also home to many  invasive species.  After a few days of learning about the native and invasive species of Hawaii, today the fifth graders went on a field trip to capture invasive fish species, to make more space for the native species. Some people held nets, while others waited and pounded sticks to chase the fish into the net. Some of the invasive fish they caught were, tilapia, convict, bass, and catfish.  The fifth graders were happy to be able to  do their part and help Hawaii's dangerously low population of native fish species.

October 1, 2022

Buddy Reading

The first graders of Mrs. Matsui's class and the fourth graders of Mr. Fukushima's class had their first buddy activity of the year. After introducing themselves, the fourth graders read out loud to their first grader buddies.