A6 2023-24

Welcome to the 2023-24 school year!  I am excited to have you as a part of our class this school year.  Over the course of the school year we will be engaged in many fun, rigorous, challenging and exciting experiences in and out of the classroom.  This website will be one of the ways for you to find resources and links to materials that we will be using throughout the school year.  Google Classroom will be the primary a way to keep our digital assignments organized.  Google Suite for Education (Docs, Slides, Forms, etc.) will be used to submit some of the students' assignments throughout the year along with our daily workbooks and worksheets.   Students will also be using Clever as a single-sign on to access bookmarks to some of the sites we will be using, mainly iReady.

I look forward to working together with students and parents to make it a successful 4th grade year!  If you need to contact me, please feel free to send me an email and I will get back to you as soon as possible: jfukushima@nes.k12.hi.us