Mrs. Conely

Care & Connect: Fearless Females

She Believed She Could, So She Did!

CARE & CONNECT is the class in which your daughter will spend the first 30 minutes of her day. During this time, through small groups, we focus on CONNECTing with one another, providing a time to show CARE, and CREATING the community we desire. Some activities your daughter might engage in include: small group discussion, FUTURE STORY PREP, team building, service opportunities, and celebrating each other's successes.

Diverse Learning

NPowering Lives / Excavating Gifts

Stay Organized

Watch this video!

Find out what assignments are due, missing, and completed in your Google Classroom.

Enrich Your Learning

Future Story Support Hours are available each Wednesday after school until 4pm. During this time, you can meet with teachers for additional support or to make-up missing assignments.

What Is Your Why? This Is My Why...

My passion for working with students began a little later in life for me. I enjoy building relationships with students and watching them grow, learn, and become what their passions lead them to be in life. Let's make this school year the best one yet!