Pocatello Valley Montessori School

Lunch Program 


Orders will now be due by 10pm on the FRIDAY BEFORE the week you are ordering for. We are doing this to help us with our ordering process at the store, to ensure we have the correct product on hand for the school lunches. Thank you for your understanding in this. 

Catered by Nel's Bi-Lo Market

Nel's Bi-Lo Market in Pocatello Idaho is proud to partner with the Pocatello Valley Montessori School to provide school lunches to the students of the school.  This year we are providing 2 options that will both be $5.00 Each option will be about the same size/volume of food. 

We will release the menu a month at a time. We will take orders on a weekly basis. The orders for any given week will start 2 weeks before it occurs. Orders are due by 7 am on Monday of the menu week. You will visit this web page to order each week's lunches. The link to this page WILL NOT CHANGE, so feel free to bookmark it.