CTL Guidance Documents 

Guidance Document for Determining Instructional Time Equivalency 6 15 20-1(1).pdf

Guidance Document for Determining Instructional Seat Time

ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence Guidance Document.pdf

CHATGPT and Artificial Intelligence Guidance Document

Winter Session Guidance Document-2-19-24.pdf

Winter Session Guidance Document

Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS) for Online Teaching Observation Instrument

BARS for Online Teaching Observation Instrument Updated Feb 24, 2022.docx

Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS) for Online Teaching Observation Instrument

BARS Conducting Peer Observations April 26, 2021.docx

Conducting Peer Observations in the Virtual Environment

Hypothesis Guidance Document 2024.pdf

Hypothesis Guidance Document


Center for Teaching & Learning | ctl@neiu.edu | 773.442.4467