Equity-Minded & Inclusive Practices

To promote the full participation of all students and provide every student with an equitable opportunity to succeed in their courses, we need to be intentional in the design of the learning environment to ensure it feels welcoming, accessible, and inclusive to each of our students.  

Instructors who promote equity, culturally sustaining and inclusive learning environments use the following practices in their course design, their syllabi and their teaching.   

Examples of how these practices may impact teaching and course design are illustrated in the Faculty Self-Reflection of Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT).

For more information  related to NEIU's mission, please refer to the Office of  Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (ODEI).

Practice Number 1: Welcoming students and creating a caring classroom culture 

Practice Number 2: Demystifying college policies and practices  

Practice Number 3: Creating Partnership in which faculty and students work together to ensure success 

Practice Number 4: Validating students’ ability to be successful 

Practice Number 5:  Representing a range of racial/ethnic experiences and backgrounds 

Practice Number 6:  Deconstructing (decolonize) and countering the presentation of ‘whiteness” as the norm 

Practice Number 7:  Tailoring instruction to students’ backgrounds, abilities, prior knowledge, experiences and strengths

Practice Number 8:  Transforming one’s own pedagogy, curriculum and practice 

Other Resources

Center for Urban Education. (2018). Equity-minded inquiry series: Syllabus Review. Los Angelos, CA: Rossier School of Education, University of Southern California.

 Equity-Minded Worksheet for Instructors of Online Courses. (Winterim 2015). Equity for Online Classes. University of Wisconsin, Green Bay.

 Heitner, K L. & Jennings, M.  (2016). Culturally responsive teaching knowledge and practices of online faculty. Online Learning (20), p. 54-78.

 Del Carmen Salazar, M. (2018).  Interrogating teacher evaluation: Unveiling whiteness as the normative center and moving the margins.  Journal of Teacher Education, 69 (1): https://doi.org/10.1177/0022487118764347

Center for Teaching & Learning | ctl@neiu.edu | 773.442.4467