Business Truck

Xlee Elim

I am interested in applying for this job.

-Madelyn B.

Tommy Marquez

Link To My Truck

I am interested in applying to join the truck's cult

I have several experiences with tech products and know how to take apart certain devices.

Max Z. 

I would like to work here- Julian.

Link to my  Portfolio

I would like to apply for this job - Tommy Marquez

I would like to apply for this job - Antonio Awe

Madelyn Bowe

Link To My Portfolio

I would like to apply here -addy

Maxwell Zucker 

Link to my portfolio

I would like to apply for this job - Chloe Luna

Antonio Awe

Link to My Portfolio

I would like to apply for the job - Ryu

Krysthel Funez

Carina:i would like to apply to ur job please pookie

Carina Cox

link to portfolio

Krysthel: I would like to apply pooks

Ryu Crabtree

Link to Portfolio

I want to apply for this job plz :3 - Xlee