Conference Travel Reimbursement

through Title II, Part A

Who Is Eligible for travel reimbursement?

Under NEFEC's current agreement with the Florida Department of Education, non-profit private school leaders and teachers are eligible to request reimbursement for conference registration and travel expenses through NEFEC. This includes principals, assistant principals, and any individuals fitting the ESSA definition of leader, as well as teachers.

What conferences are approved for travel reimbursement?

Per FDOE, "All conferences shall be secular, neutral, and nonideological, in accordance with section 8501(a)(2). Any conferences attended by private school leaders using Title II, Part A funds shall be used to address the specific needs of the school’s students (student achievement) and/or teachers (teacher effectiveness), and not the needs of the school itself."

Click here for a current list of approved conferences.

How do I request travel reimbursement?

To request travel reimbursement to a pre-approved conference, you will need all of the following:

  1. A completed W-9, which is available here

  2. Copies of any applicable travel receipts (registration, hotel, rental car, flights, tolls, etc.)

  3. A completed Travel Summary form, available here

Once you have all the required documents gathered, scan and combine them into a single document (.pdf file only). Title the document as follows: FirstName_LastName_ConferenceName (ex: John_Smith_SLC) and click here to submit them.

**Please note that reimbursement can only be requested after the travel has occurred.**

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For additional information regarding FDOE's travel policies, please click here to view the Travel Policy Document.

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