NEFEC Connect


NEFEC CONNECT is a network of Regional Learning Communities that provides a platform for cross-district, teacher-led collaboration and professional learning. Developed by the North East Florida Educational Consortium (NEFEC) and built on theoretical foundations of adult learning and educator motivation, NEFEC CONNECT supports the facilitation of professional networking and innovative collaboration that is crucial to the growth and retention of educators in small and rural districts.

NEFEC CONNECT is distinct from other professional learning series in its explicit focus on teacher empowerment, motivation, leadership, and professionalism. It combines a regional approach to Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) with goal-setting, feedback, and ongoing job-embedded support and collaboration, while maintaining a focus on learning and growth.

NEFEC CONNECT is not required or mandatory – educators request to attend or are given the option to engage in the professional learning. The learning content is not predetermined or passively received – participants drive the content of each series and assume leadership roles by facilitating portions of the face-to-face sessions. It is not a “one-shot” workshop – following each session, educators select from a variety of implementation options (or create a personalized option), receive specific collegial feedback on their implementation, and are provided with ongoing, job-embedded support.

By Natalie Dixon, Ph.D. - CIC Planning

Summary of the NEFEC CONNECT Process:

Description of the NEFEC CONNECT process: beginning with a needs assessment and data analysis, teachers set goals in groups and develop a collaborative plan to achieve them
Teachers that are a part of our NEFEC CONNECT communities drive the content for the sessions and participate in engaging learning activities focused on standards-aligned, equitable, and rigorous lessons.
Teachers that are a part of our NEFEC CONNECT communities drive the content for the sessions and participate in engaging learning activities focused on standards-aligned, equitable, and rigorous lessons.
Teachers that are a part of our NEFEC CONNECT communities drive the content for the sessions and participate in engaging learning activities focused on standards-aligned, equitable, and rigorous lessons.

Teachers that are a part of our NEFEC CONNECT communities drive the content for the sessions and participate in engaging learning activities focused on standards-aligned, equitable, and rigorous lessons.

For the 2019/20 School Year, NEFEC CONNECT included regional learning communities for:

  • Elementary Grades Math

  • Algebra I

  • Middle Grades Science

  • High School Biology

  • Instructional Coaching

  • Elementary Literacy Coaching

  • New Teacher Network

These communities will meet for three face-to-face sessions throughout the year, with leveled implementation support through our NEFEC PLuS system.

Watch the video to hear more about NEFEC CONNECT.