Early Life

Childhood in Brazil

Tania’s childhood consisted of relaxation, travel, beach trips, and hanging out with friends. She went to a private Jewish day school during the week and after school, she would attend English lessons and other after-school activities. She lived a three minute walk from the beach and following her activities, she would meet up with friends almost every day to play on the street and go to the beach. Her mom also had a pool in her apartment so when she went to stay with her mom, she would invite her friends and they would all play in the pool together. As Tania describes it, "Growing up in Rio was wonderful. It was summer all year long. ... Weekends were basically going to the beach, spending the day outside, and a very laid back life. It was very outdoors, everything outdoors.” She would also travel to visit her extended family starting when she was six years old. They would fly to Europe, the United States to visit her mom's side of the family as well as her dad's side, and Israel to visit some of her dad's family. They would make these trips every summer because it would be winter for other countries. Tania learned to love traveling which further influenced her ideas of eventually immigrating to the United States permanently.

Tania in reference to her childhood: "I had a very privileged life in Brazil. Everything was good and fun growing up. It was all good memories. A lot of parties, a lot of get-togethers. We like big get-togethers, we like always being together, and we like having lunch that starts at noon and goes until 8pm. That’s how it is, it’s fun."

Tania's father, mother, brother, and herself in Brazil

Tania's Brazilian family in her childhood home, all grown up

A family photo of Tania's mother, herself, and her brother in Brazil