Which is Better!? - Apple vs. Android

posted Friday, November 17th by Sam Joseph Bruckner

This debate has been going on forever but I am to discover the realest of real answer once and for all. Let’s break it down into three categories! 

Source Code: 

While Android has open source code Apple does not. (Android) Open source means that you can look at the source code, granting the user a level of control that a walled garden like Apple’s OS (operating system) simply doesn’t. In tech we call something that can’t be looked at a “black box.” For these reasons this first point is going to have to go to Android. 

Android 1: - Apple 0:

User Interface: (UI) 

In terms of UI Apple is known to use much brighter colors, crafting a more intricate experience, filled with more animations, for their users. Apple’s flagship product the iPhone 15 can disperse just over 2000 nits, a measure of luminance emitted. This is vastly more than Android’s newest model the Galaxy S23 which maxes out at a mere 1750 nits. Point 2 goes to Apple! 

Android 1: - Apple 1: 

Looks like we are all tied up! 

Pricing & Overall Value: 

The newest Android product, the Galaxy S23, comes in at $600. On the other hand the newest iPhone, the iPhone 15 comes in at $899.  (assuming you are not trading your way up) All and all for how much use you are getting out of your phone we would recommend you spending that extra $300 and treating yourself to an iPhone! 

Android 1: - Apple 2: 

With that we have our winner! The iPhone and therefore Apple is victorious! 

To infinity and far beyond!