Which Iphone should you buy?(my opinion)

posted May 5 16 2024, Guy Sternberg


This next blog post is going to be a little different because this blog post is going to be my opinion and my experiences only with Apple's iPhone. I will talk about three different iPhones I have experience with and which one I would recommend. We are going to look at the 11 pro, 13, and 14 pro, ready? Let's dive into it.

11 Pro: 

The oldest one out of the three but it is still a great buy, especially now because it is kind of old it will cost less. The main pros for the iPhone 11 pro are that it is still fast has a great camera and will be a good phone for your day-to-day tasks. The cons is that after some time, in my experience at least, it slows down and you have nothing to do with it. Another con is that it is somewhat heavy. 


My time with the 13 was not long because a year later I switched to the 14 pro. In my experience I did not love the 13, I felt the difference between the 11 Pros and the 13 the cameras were not as good and it was even a bit slow. But, and it is a big but, for its price, the 13 is the best buy 100%. And this is why I bought it but I wanted something more, I wanted something that will work well for a very long time, and this is why I bought the 14 pro.

14 Pro: 

The 14 Pro is the phone that I have right now, and I love it, I did not have one problem with it at all, it is extremely fast, its cameras are insanely good, and the new iOS that it has makes it so much better. If you are looking for a phone to buy that will stay with you for years, and you are willing to pay a good amount of money for it, the iPhone 14 Pro is the phone for you!


In conclusion, I think the iPhone 11 Pro is out of the picture because, in my opinion, it is too old to buy right now. So we are left with the iPhone 13 and the iPhone 14 Pro. If you are looking for something not that expensive that will last you a year or two the iPhone 13 is the phone for you. But if you are looking for a computer on your hand that will last you for a long time, and you are willing to pay, the iPhone 14 pro is a great pick to choose from. Choose wisely, do your research, and enjoy!