Night Light

3/21/24 by Luke Melanson

Do you have chronic pain in your eyeballs? Well it’s a good thing there’s a Night Light on your Chromebook because let's face it, staring at a screen at max brightness with blue-light frying your eyeballs at 8:00 am is a stupid idea. Now Night Light isn’t an actual nightlight. It's a setting on your Chromebook that adds an orange tint to your screen so you don't strain your eyes. Night Light is also sometimes called Night shift or Night Mode.

If it's just early in the morning and you want the quick and boring solution, just lower the brightness on your Chromebook by using the brightness buttons. But if your eyes are still hurting you can turn on Night Light which will reduce the blue light. Blue light basically stresses your eyes out causing eye strain. It's also why you can't sleep for a while until you put the phone down. This is also good if it's late at night and you want to text your friends before you fall asleep. It's still going to interfere with sleep but it helps a little. Or if you have sensitive eyes you can keep it on 24/7.

To turn on Night Light on a Chromebook you simply just turn on your Chromebook, click on the wifi and or battery icon, and you’re all set to click on nightlight.

Here's some additional links if You're interested in using it on your phone or other personal devices:

Night shift on iPhone

Android night mode