Google Classroom Notifications

posted Tuesday, December 19th by Sam Joseph Bruckner

Google classroom is a great learning tool for both teachers and students alike. However, any great learning tool has a learning curve. So let’s help solve a major problem today: Notifications. 

I know that, at least, personally I’ve had over 5,000 email bubble-notifications build up over the years just from Google Classroom alone and that causes stress over time! 

So how do we solve this issue!? 

Turns out, it's actually quite simple. When you open Google Classroom you are going to want to hit the gear icon.  

* Important Note: 

If you are on either IOS or Android, you will first need to click the three horizontally stacked lines before the gear icon will become visible at the bottom of the sidebar. 

Like so: 

If you are on the web congrats! The ‘Notifications’ section will be the first to appear at the top of the screen!

If not, let me walk you through a couple of extra steps!

I hope that this “how-to” style guide has helped you out!

To infinity and far beyond!