Fusion vs Fission

posted 4/28/23 by Leo Rosin

In the pursuit of cleaner and more efficient energy, humanity has discovered the power to manipulate atoms to create energy. One of these ways is Nuclear Fission, the process of splitting a larger atom into two smaller ones and producing usable energy in the process. Nuclear Fusion is another way that atom manipulation can result in energy. For Nuclear Fusion, two atoms are joined to create a larger atom, and this process produces a huge amount of energy. For more detailed information on each of these, check out my blog posts on Nuclear Fission and Nuclear Fusion. These two types of energy are different and have different risks and benefits, but how do they compare to each other?

Both types of energy have multiple benefits to using them. Nuclear Fission and Fusion both release a lot of energy but Nuclear Fusion releases four times the amount of energy compared to Fission. Neither produces any greenhouse gasses and are then both considered clean energy. Compared to each other, Nuclear Fusion produces more energy than Fission. But, even though Fusion produces more energy, there are more Fission reactors around the world. This is because Fusion is a less developed type of energy and so it is still being experimented with to create a working and efficient reactor. But, even though it is less developed it is safer. Nuclear Fusion cannot have a meltdown because it does not use chain reactions when producing energy. Nuclear Fusion also does not produce much radioactive waste meaning there is little harmful radiation.

Along with the benefits that both energies bring, some drawbacks and risks come with both of the energy types. For Nuclear Fusion, the main drawback is that it is a less developed type of energy. Fusion at the moment does not have a working reactor built and the only reactor for Fusion being built is for experiments and will not be used as an energy source. So, Fusion energy will not be possible for many years. Even if Fusion energy becomes possible the problems will not end there. For Nuclear Fusion to work and for the atoms to combine a lot of heat is needed. The Fusion furnaces need to be hotter than the surface of the sun to get Fusion to work. This is an immense problem because not only is it really hard to get something that hot, but also to produce energy the heat needs to be obtained by using less energy than Fusion produces to produce energy. But, Nuclear Fission also has its problems. The process of Fission produces radioactive waste, a lot more than Fusion, and the waste can be dangerous if not contained properly. Fission also has the added risk of having a nuclear meltdown which could cause the loss of lives. The residual radiation caused by a nuclear meltdown could cause the areas around the meltdown to be uninhabitable for many years.

Both types of nuclear power have many benefits and risks, but which one is the better energy source? Fusion at the moment cannot be used to produce energy and when it becomes possible to use there is still the problem of producing more energy than it is using. But, if all of those problems are overcome then fusion is the better choice for energy since there are almost no drawbacks. But, at the moment, fission is a better choice than fusion. Fission can be used to produce energy and it is not as dangerous as often perceived. While nuclear meltdowns are dangerous there are many safeguards put in place to prevent them. In conclusion, at the moment fission is the better energy source, but this could change in the future with the advancement of technology and workable fusion reactors.