Why is CGI getting worse in Marvel movies

posted 03/22/24 by Guy sternberg

2-D computer-generated imagery, such as text, objects, backgrounds, backdrops, and environments.

Bad example

Bad example of 2-D CGI, because the viewer can see that the background is not really and it is a green screen, it looks like they just took a video of the actor and put it on this background.

Good example

This is a good example of 2-D CGI because although this background is fictional it is still very impressive and there are a lot of details in the background which makes it more realistic.

 3-D computer-generated imagery of objects, figures, spaces, and environments. 

Bad example

This is a bad example of CGI the middle Eye of Doctor Strange, because it did not look 3-D. It looks like someone copied and pasted it and did not care about making it look real, the color does not much and the ratio is weird and everything about it just screams not real. In conclusion, it does not look like a real “thing”.

Good example

Although all the viewers know Thanos is not real, the amount of details they put into him, and the amount of emotions they give him, it look very believable, and in the Marvel Universe, he looks exactly the way he needs to look.

CGI in Marvel: 

Disney, which is the parent company of Marvel, is worth $205.35 billion, which makes it one of the richest companies there, so why is their CGI so bad? In my opinion, the main reason for that is that at the beginning of phase 4 Marvel chose to go for “quantity over quality”. They started releasing projects (movies and TV Shows) every 3 months on average and expected the video effects team to do a good job, which they did not. It was only at the beginning of phase 4 that the fans started to see the decreasing amount of time going into the CGI, and they hated it, some of the fans lost hope in Marvel because even after they said they would fix it in the next movie when the movie comes out they do not. I am one of those fans. 

What can Marvel do now? 

I believe that the only way that Marvel can make a comeback with CGI is to go back to the old formula, “quality over quantity”. I think that in the first 3 phases, the CGI was great, but the second they changed it, it became worse. So, in my opinion, they should just return to the “ good and old”.