Auto Hot Key Macro

posted May 16, 2024 by Robert Bobocea

There are ways to automate your computer to do tasks for you without you even having to be there. This is one of the most useful tools that I know for using your computer. I have macros on almost every game I play which in some games helps me advance and in others offers me an advantage over other players. Overall, this program makes the usage of your computer a more relaxed process and improves your quality of browsing/gaming. 

Autohotkey is a free open source custom scripting language that is designed for Windows to provide keyboard shortcuts, fast macro creation and software automation to allow users to automate repetitive tasks. It can also be used to remap keys ultimately overriding them such as instead of hitting the windows key and bringing up the windows menu, to turn on caps lock. 

I have made several macros in the past for multiple games. I made them for Grand Theft Auto (GTA), Fortnite, Roblox, and Discord. The most complex of these is the GTA one. I made macros that would open up the menu and navigate it perfectly to register me as a CEO (an in game setting). I also have macros to call my vehicle instantly. One of the more complex ones I made was also to block the wifi in order to do a glitch. 

Recently I was playing a Roblox game about bees. In this game you have a hive of bees and you collect pollen from specific fields throughout the map. You have a bag that can only hold a certain amount of pollen. After the bag fills up you have to leave that field you were collecting and return to your hive to convert it into honey. Honey is the in-game currency which allows you to buy bees, new tools for collecting honey, powerups, new backpacks, gliders and tons of other various items. After a while this game became pretty tedious so I thought I should make a macro for it like I usually do for games that are heavily dependent on “grinding” (a term that is used to describe a long continuous amount of work). I decided to check online to see if there are some I can base it off or take inspiration from but I came across something that was much beyond my knowledge of autohotkey. 

This autohotkey was called Natro Macro. This macro can look and interpret things on your screen and execute different macros to do certain things. For example the macro can do a simple path that repeats over and over again which is simple and I could make, but then the macro navigates its way to the field flawlessly. Additionally in the game, bees drop tokens that can speed you up which can mess up the macro because if the macro collects too many of these speed tokens it can become offset. BUT the macro has access to your screen like I said before so it knows exactly when you pick up those speed tokens and how many you have active at a time. This will change the amount of time that a key is held for a specific amount of time. This will keep the player in that field instead of becoming offset. This is one of the many things that this macro can do. It can also detect night and the macro searches the fields once it is night for an enemy that only spawns at night. The macro can do this all flawlessly with no mistake. The Macro can also do memory matches for prices. 

The coolest and most complex thing that this macro can do is have a discord webhook (which is a message system that is connected to an application). The webhook is connected to the macro and you can see hourly gains and everything there is to know about how the bot is doing. The macro also automatically takes screenshots when something happens unexpectedly and sends it to the discord channel that is connected to the macro. You can also see real time updates of how much honey / pollen the macro has collected because while the macro is collecting the pollen it takes screenshots of the honey and sends them in the same channel. 

This is how it looks in the channel when it is collecting pollen.

This is how an hourly report looks like from the macro. It calculates everything from how many tokens it collected to the hourly average of honey. Another amazing thing that the macro does is every 24 hours the macro joins a new server to give it a little reset. It does this all by itself (I mean leaving the server) and it joins an entirely different server using deep links. The macro does tons of other things that if I were to describe they wouldn’t mean anything to you but for someone who plays the game it would make sense.

The Natro Macro is a trusted macro that is the most well known macro that is used for bee swarm simulators. However, the macro does have access to read your screen. If the macro owner wanted to, they could have stolen information from your computer while it’s running. But this macro is an open source and if you know how autohotkey scripts work you are able to check the code of the entire macro if you wanted to. I’ve looked through a decent amount of the macro and nothing out of the ordinary stood out to me. Additionally, thousands of people have also downloaded this macro and nothing has happened to them so it is safe to assume that this macro is safe.

Overall, autohotkey is an amazing tool that can be used to create a macro that can be left on in theory forever. You can create almost anything if you know how to program it with the simple language autohotkey provides.

If you want to know how it works/how to set it up: