Augmented Reality (AR)

posted Wednesday, October 11th by Sam Joseph Bruckner

Augmented Reality (AR). It’s the buzz of the town but what even is it?

According to Google, AR is defined as, “a technology that superimposes a computer-generated image on a user's view of the real world, thus providing a composite view.” 

Let’s break that down! Shall we?! 

AR is a relatively new form of technology that allows users to project (augment) something within the world that is not physically there! Since its creation in 1968, (G2) it has been shaped to fit numerous roles; including but not limited to: 


Think of games such as Pokemon Go, Jurassic World Explore, or Zombies, Run! These latter  programs all have piggy backed off of the massive success that was Pokemon Go which has grossed over $4 Billion since its initial launch in 2016. (Statistica)  

Home Decor:

Think of apps like Shopify, or Amazon, which allow you to view what furniture would look like in your living space before making the purchase. 

Face & Body Tracking: 

For this category think of how SnapChat or TikTok filters work. This also applies to the vast majority of your ‘modern day’ social media platforms. InkHunter, a platform that allows you to see what tattoos look like before getting them permanently inked, would also fit into this category. 

How does AR work?! 

According to Jowita Kessler, a technology expert living in Poland, “AR relies on specialized hardware such as smartphones, tablets, smart glasses, or dedicated headsets. These devices are equipped with cameras, sensors (like accelerometers and gyroscopes), and displays that capture the user's surroundings, detect movements, and present augmented content.” Basically what this means is that applicable devices make use of tracking software which allows them to superimpose images atop video captured in real-time. 

I hope that this article piques your interest and that it will encourage you to further make use of this modern technology! 

To infinity and far beyond!