Artificial intelligence with students 

posted may 7, 16 2024,  by Guy Sternberg

Artificial intelligence with students 


As a high school student I am always looking for a lot of tools to make my life as a senior easier. The biggest tool that a student can find on the internet to help them is “ChatGPT”. ChatGPT is a natural language processing chatbot driven by generative Artificial intelligence(AI),  that allows you to have human-like conversations to complete various tasks. For example, if I ask it to write me a 600-word essay about which iPhone is best to buy, it will make it in less than 10 seconds. It was created by Open AI. it can give you feedback on what you made, such as an essay, blog post, or anything else.


In my opinion, there is only one main pro for ChatGPT, which is that it gives us a taste of the future, and I think it is very important. ChatGPT is a very good tool to do math and even code for you if you need to. In my personal experience, I even had a conversion with it, and it is a great tool to give you feedback on things. I think it gives us good glips to the future and it will get better and better throughout time.


With the pros there have to be cons, in my own personal opinion the main con is that not a lot of students are using chatGPT for the good things listed above. Instead, they are cheating, they are creating essays, and doing a lot of other things that count as cheating. This happens a lot in my school, and the teachers are very frustrated with that and even sometimes do an “in-class essay” so that students won’t be able to cheat from chatGPT.  So in my opinion teachers do not like ChatGPT, and for a good reason, students are not trustworthy enough to use it for the goods that it offers. Another big con is that chatGPT is not always right and not always trustworthy, so you need to always double-check.


In conclusion, ChatGPT can offer you a lot of good things that will teach you what AI is, and what it can do. But there are a lot of cons to it. As a student, I know that a lot of my peers are using chatGPT not for what it is meant to be, instead of studying they are using the easy way out and cheating. I believe ChatGPT was created in order to give us a glimpse of what the future is going to look like with generative AI, but lazy people are here to destroy it.