Apple Rumors: Where Will Apple Go Next?

posted 1/27/2022 by Achyut Shastri

Apple releases products over an extended period of time. They mainly have releases in the fall of each year with major new products to release. They might release new iPhones, Macs, Airpods, etc. However, in the time between each release, people tend to rumor about what Apple is doing next. There are also people who leak Apple’s products from the inside of the company. The question is: What are these rumors and are they likely to be true?

Apple Glasses

Ever since 2017-2018, people have been theorizing about Apple’s entrance into the AR and VR world. One of the most anticipated products to push Apple into that realm are the Apple Glasses. The Apple Glasses are a set of Augmented Reality glasses that bring the information from a user’s Apple Watch and iPhone to their face. It features a mini-led screen in the lens to show the user their notifications and their content. It runs on an OS named Starboard, found in the code for iOS 13.

Apple’s latest CEO, Tim Cook has always been looking forward towards AR and giving quotes as a sort of tease towards this new product, so many have thought that it would come sooner rather than later. At first, rumors, when they started, theorized that Apple Glasses would come at the latest Apple Event, but to no avail. Now, people have started to lose hope. They are now saying that it is not likely to be released until 2025. Some others are suggesting that an internal Apple presentation states that they will be released in 2023, yet some still have hope, stating that they will be released this year, in 2022.

This rumor is more likely to be true since there has been evidence from Apple’s code and also internally in Apple. Hopefully, it comes sooner rather than later, as AR tech is not widely available yet.

iPhone 14

The iPhone 14 is unique compared to other iPhones. In fact, we received rumors about it even before the iPhone 13 was released. For the first time ever, the iPhone will feature a notch-less display. A notch is a little black region on the screen up at the top. It means that some content is cut off by it. However, now, the iPhone will feature a hole-punch camera, a camera with a single hole through the screen to maximize the amount of screen on the phone that can display content. Apple has also made a small pill-shaped outline for the Face-ID module. As for the front-facing camera itself, Apple plans to make improvements to the auto-focusing of the camera. For the rear camera, Apple has managed to remove the camera bump by making the iPhone itself thicker.

New features on the iPhone have been hypothesized for a while. Some say that the iPhone 14 will include an under-display Touch-ID feature that allows for both Face-ID and Touch-ID to coexist harmoniously. Unfortunately, an inside source, Ming Chi-Kuo, states that Apple has pushed off that tech for another year. In addition, for years, people have been wondering whether Apple would remove the charging port on the iPhone and make it fully wireless, like the Apple Watch. This turned into rumors and speculation. Unfortunately, there is a chance that it will not happen, but it is possible for this design change to make its appearance on the iPhone 14.

It is likely that these rumors are true and the iPhone 14 will have these features. Since these rumors are based on verifiable leaked evidence, the rumors that these features will be on the iPhone 14 are likely since they are features on other phones as well. The portless technology and the hole-punch camera would be great!

Apple AR/VR Headset

Rumors are that Apple has been working on an AR/VR headset that can work in both AR, VR and Mixed Reality. Augmented Reality, or AR, focuses on augmenting what you see in the world with digital elements. Virtual Reality, or VR, creates a simulated world that you are not actually in. Mixed Reality is a mix of the two. While not much is known about this product, it is known that It will have a multitude of cameras and sensors to track hand gestures and movements and also to control the AR/VR world. This headset was supposed to be released in 2022, but received some setbacks and got pushed back to possibly 2023. The Apple Glasses are supposed to be a product that would be a sister product with the headset after it launched.

THis rumor is most likely true because first of all, TIm Cook, Apple’s CEO has been vying to make a mark in the AR/VR universe, noted by multiple cryptic quotes by him. Also, the materials shortage due to COVID has caused multiple setbacks in all sorts of industries.

These rumors are quite exciting in prospect, however, do not get your hopes up. These rumors can sometimes be false and keep people holding out hope for years to no avail.