Airplane mode

Luke Melanson 2/9/24

You know before the plane takes off the captain gets on the intercom and says “ladies and gentlemen uhhhh… we are about to begin our accent into the air uhhhh… please fasten your seatbelts and turn on airplane mode on your devices as we take off”. The seatbelt thing is obvious but you probably don't know why we have airplane mode.

  The reason is that when cellular service reaches your phone it can cause the pilot and airport control towers to experience interference while communicating with each other. Not turning on airplane mode can also interfere with the plane's radar and navigation system.

Now for a question that is worth asking. A question that has been asked for a millennium. Does airplane mode reduce the charging time in phones? And the answer… is yes.

There's actually a very simple reason too. When Wifi and cellular look for a connection, they’re trying to send radio waves to a cell tower or a Wifi router, which require extra battery life because they are constantly looking for something to connect to, hence draining the battery. But since airplane mode shuts off your cellular and wifi, your phone is not trying to get a signal from wifi or a cell tower, its using much less power which allows your phone to charge faster