
Teenage Evando, 1985

Family Life at Home:

Evando and his three siblings lived happily in their parents' home in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Evando's parents approached parenting in a strict but loving manner. The family was well off and fit in the upper-middle class. However, sadly in 1972 Evando's father passed away, a victim to suicide. "This not only put a mental hardship on Evando's family, but also a financial one" (Emma Ananias 4:52). Now with only one income for the family being Evando's mother's cleaning salary, things got a little harder. Evando's father's business salary now out of the picture, Evando and his siblings had to get used to living a different lifestyle. Additionally, with the passing of Emmanuel Ananias, Evando and his siblings were more on their own than they had been used to. Because their family relied on Evando's mother's cleaning salary more than ever, she was rarely home with her kids. As a result of this hardship, Evando and his three siblings became much closer with each other.

From Italy to Brazil:

Evando Ananias spent the majority of his childhood growing up in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Evando was born in Sicily, Italy, but "his immediate family moved to Brazil because they had lots of family there on his mothers side. Aunts, uncles, and cousins to help out and be there for their family" (Emma Ananias 3:22). From age 6 up until Evando turned 19, he lived with his family in Brazil before going to the United States of America for college. Evando grew up in a household of six. He lived with his mother who cleaned homes for a living, his father who was a business man, and his three siblings. Evando is the youngest of four and has two older brothers, Elias and Eloi, and an older sister named Nause. Evando was good in school and was especially drawn towards numbers and business. When Evando wasn't in school, he enjoyed playing soccer with his friends and taking family beach trips.