9IP: Ninth Grade Interdisciplinary Program

Students enrolled in this honors-level program take their four core subjects -- Biology, English, Math, and World History -- with 9IP teachers, who are connecting their disciplines to shared themes in order to build bridges across content.  These thematic units allow students to make interdisciplinary connections, and our work together within the 9IP program helps students develop their collaboration and communication skills.  

Program Syllabus

9IP Syllabus 2022-2023

Program Expectations

9IP Program Expectations (2022-2023)

 9IP Teachers

Jackie Persuit (Math) -- jacklyn_persuit@needham.k12.ma.us

Rosie Calland (History) -- rosemary_calland@needham.k12.ma.us

Jill Krajewski (Biology) -- jill_krajewski@needham.k12.ma.us

Karen McCalley (English) -- karen_mccalley@needham.k12.ma.us

Weekly Overview 2023-2024

Weekly Overview

Click on the document on the left to see what's going on this week in 9IP