Mrs. Schapp's Science

Remember if the student knows in advance that they will be gone from class, they should ask me, for upcoming work before hand.

It is the responsibility of the student to ask for missing work when they have been absent.

Mrs. Schapp's Daily Attendance

Attendance is taken at the beginning of each class period.

Codes for goggle classroom.

This is the code for 7th grade 1st hour.. xufdljs Class time: 8:30-9:15

This is the code for 7th grade 2nd hour nlxtwz6 Class time: 9:18-10:03

This is the code for 8th grade 3rd hour. ftv2tqp Class time: 10:06-10:51

This is the code for HS Environmental Science 4th hour. o33wpyv Class time: 10:54-11:39

This is the code for 6th grade HS STEM 6th hour. ubxamtb Class time: 1:37-2:22

This is the code for 8th grade 7th hour. tfmamxh Class time: 2:25-3:10

Intro video.mp4

Ready to present their oral presentation for Environthon 2021

Preparing for the 2021 Oral Presentation Environthon

Making imprint of magnetic fields using solar power