Dining in the Dark

Each Fall the NECO student Public Health Club (PHC) holds a "Dining in the Dark" evening in which 60 students are served a three-course Italian dinner with wine in the NECO Atrium, blind-folded!

To help attendees negotiate their environment, the PHC invite a licensed Orientation and Mobility specialist along with two current students to train club members in being a sighted guide. Upon arrival, each blind-folded guest was lead by a PHC sighted guide to their seats, with a few stops along the way, including the raffle ticket area and the staircase! The aim of the evening was to enlighten attendees on the difficulties faced by those with reduced sight.

In 2016, the evening raised $1,000, all of which was donated to Orbis International Programs. In 2016, the evening raised $600 which was donated to our Orbis partner hospital, the Kitwe Central Eye Annex, Zambia.

Photos (above): Moments throughout the evening.

Photo (left): 2017 Public Health Student Club Vice President, Heta Patel, presenting the $1000 donation to Orbis Chief of Programs, Danny Haddad, during Visionaries Day celebrations

Photo (below): Visionaries Day 2017. (left to right) Danny Haddad, Orbis Chief of Programs, Clifford Scott, NECO President, Heta Patel, OD2019 Public Health Club VP, Gary Chu, NECO Senior Director of Public Health and Community Collaborations.

© 2017 Marilyn Humphries