Academic and Career Planning


Reimagining our students' educational experience to equip them with meaningful and supportive adult relationships and the ability to adapt to opportunities and challenges on their personalized journeys to successful lives 


Empowering students to see beyond their school experience at Necedah to a positive transition to adulthood through education and training to careers

We are continually working to improve our students MS/HS experience so they have the skills they need to be successful when they graduate from Necedah High School. Our goal is for students to understand themselves and know what path they need to take after graduation, whether that is college, technical college, apprenticeship program, workforce/on-the-job training, military, etc. 

Below are links and explanation for all aspects of academic and career planning for our Middle/High School Students.  We have also provided a questions/comments link. Please share your feedback about our plan so we can continue to improve services and programming for our students.

Necedah Academic and Career Planning Information

What is Academic and Career Planning? - Provides an explanation for what academic and career planning is and why it is so important.

Necedah Academic and Career Learning Targets - Provides skills that students will learn during their educational experience at Necedah MS/HS.

Necedah ACP Grade Level Checklist - Provides Academic and Career Planning activities that need to completed at each grade level.

Necedah ACP Term by Term Learning Plan - Shares a list of learning activities that students will be participating in grade 6-12.

Necedah High School Course Handbook - Provides information and planning documents for students and parents to organize their high school cousework and learning experiences.

Xello - Link to the Xello. Xello allows students to take career assessments and organize all aspects of their middle/high school experience from goal setting and self-reflection to college and career searching.

Juneau County Employment and Industry Profile - Shares information for the abundance and type of employment opportunities in Juneau County.