Teacher tools

EdPuzzle offers a free basic plan for teachers that will allow you to edit YouTube or other video content, add questions, and monitor student engagement. This tool is similar to Nearpod.

Nearpod will allow you to upload your slides or video lessons and add interactive elements to keep students engaged.

NewsELA is a great source of current events and will allow you to change the reading level of a given article to suit a variety of learners.

PBS Wisconsin Education is a great source of lessons and professional development that is relevant to Wisconsin students.

TeachingBooks.net has lessons and resources connected to respected books and authors, all available for FREE to educators in Wisconsin.

The Cooperative Children's Book Center (CCBC) at UW-Madison is nationally recognized for their book reviews and diversity data on children's and YA lit. Search for great literature here!

The Library of Congress has a large collection of curated, primary resources for classroom use. Many include complete lesson plans. Options and resources for elementary and secondary levels are included!