
Must Have Chrome Extensions!

Voice Recorder - record up to 30 seconds of video using the webcam. Saves to Google Drive.

DocHub - Edit and mark up PDF documents

Tab Scissors- Split your tabs to make two screens view able at once.

Tab Glue- Put your tabs back together.

URL Shortener- make a short URL for longer URLs.

Share to Classroom- make any link shareable immediately to Google Classroom

Sticky Notes- take notes while viewing a webpage

Instant Dictionary- double click a word in website and learn it's definition

Page Marker- mark up a webpage

Visor- puts into view a portion of a webpage your are viewing (like an easy-reader)

Google Classroom Split - split your Google Classroom page between student work and the stream

Webcam Snapshot- allows you to take pictures with your webcam and they automatically save to your Google Drive

Read & Write for Google Chrome- Great for struggling readers and writers, and ELL. Hear words, passages, or whole documents read aloud with easy-to-follow dual color highlighting.

Alice Keeler Webcam Record- record up to 30 second of video using your webcam.

Google Apps

Google Classroom