What is PBIS?

T.R.A.C.K.S. is a district wide positive behavior support system. This framework is research based and has been proven to be highly effective. Each letter in T.R.A.C.K.S. represents a rule/expectation. In the following section, we will further explain the T.R.A.C.K.S. acronym. It focuses on celebrating students’ positive actions and reinforcing that behavior. Through T.R.A.C.K.S., our  goal is to make sure that each child feels safe, celebrated and respected. 

The purpose of the PBIS Team is to discuss the T.R.A.C.K.S. procedures we have in place, analyze the building’s behavioral data, and create additional supports as needed. The team includes the building principal, teachers, guidance counselor, other school staff, and parents. This team collaborates a minimum of monthly to best meet the needs of our students.  Topics that are discussed at these monthly meetings include:

Current PBIS Team Staff Members:

Marcus Billings- Building Principal

Ryan Middleton- Assistant Principal

Mrs. Boop- LS Teacher

Mrs. Wolfgang- 6th Grade Teacher

Mr. Dietz- Music Teacher

Mrs. Irwin- 5th Grade Teacher

Ms. Clemens- 5th Grade Teacher

Mrs. Nissley- Reading Specialist

Mrs. Miller-  4th Grade Teacher

Mrs. Scott- 4th Grade Teacher

Ms. Bowers- 4th Grade Teacher

Mrs. Hake- School Aide