Boys Golf
Head Coach: Jake Jacobus -
Team information:
SHS students and freshmen will need to meet all requirements below to tryout for Springville High School golf :
Register my athlete. Players that have already played another sport will still need to switch sport to golf.
Completed Physical and medical history
2 Forms of ID for Residence verification.
9th Grade Participation form (for 9th graders).
Please fill out the tryout resume
Bring all of your completed paperwork to the Athletics office to receive your Yellow Slip.
The coach must have this slip before tryouts.
Thank you for coming to the parent/player meeting tonight. I am excited to start this golf season and to get to know the players. My goal this year for the golf team is to compete and learn to love the game of golf. If you have questions after tonight please email me at or through the remind app. (Download Remind app/join @jjacobu)
Before Tryouts:
Right now is the best time to start preparing for tryouts. This means getting prepared on the golf course and in good playing condition. Play with others from the team.
Complete: Register My Athlete, new physical and player resume. (SHS Athletics website has all documents necessary for trying out.)
Tryouts: August 1st(If you are unable to try out these days please let me know, I will not do any tryouts after August 1st.
Tryouts are Mandatory, all players must go through the tryout process. I understand some players may be gone for vacation, but all players will be given at least one round to try out.
We will play 1 round at Hobble Creek GC and base cuts off of the round.
Other items we will look at for cuts include: attitude, potential, coachability and the ability to be a member of the team.
The Golf Season:
After cuts are made we will have another meeting describing expectations for the season.
Practice is mandatory and will occur in the afternoon or after school. (If you have unexcused practices there will be playing consequences)
We will qualify for tournaments, 6-8 players will play in tournaments.
During the season we have the following expectations and rules:
Respect towards players, coaches and the golf course
When coaches are talking you need to pay attention and listen
No headphones (try your best to be off your phone)
No golf carts
No betting
No use of Alcohol, Tobacco or Illegal Drugs etc.
Dress Code (Polo, no jeans, no hats backwards, look professional)
As coaches we reserve the right to change or make adjustments to our policies.
Golf tryouts: Monday August 5th and 6th at Hobble Creek Golf Course @ 1:15
GroupMe info for players:
GroupMe info for parents: