Podcasts, Videos & Activities

Podcasts, videos, and other resources for teachers interested in delving further MATH, including pedagogy, math content, and current mathematical research.

A podcast where math lovers, math teachers, and math students come together to explore arguments.

Math teacher educator Pam Harris and her cohost Kim Montague answer the question: If not algorithms, then what?Join them for ~15 minutes every Tuesday as they cast their vision for mathematics education and give actionable items to help teachers teach math that is Figure-Out-Able.

Our podcasts reveal powerful stories, strategies, and “secrets” for building a math classroom that you wish you were in.

If you don’t know whether or not you are a Recovering Traditionalist, here’s how I define us. We are math educators who used to teach math the traditional way. Flip lesson by lesson in the textbook, directly teaching step-by-step how to solve math problems. But now, we are working to change that to a style of teaching math that is fun and meets our students where they are at, not just teaching what comes next in the textbook. We want to encourage our students to be thinkers, problem solvers, and lovers of mathematics…we are wanting to build our students math minds and not just create calculators. If that is you, then this podcast is for you.

The daily number game. Like Wordle, but for math!