Concurrent Enrollment
Welcome to the MMHS Concurrent Enrollment Page!
What is Concurrent Enrollment?
Concurrent Enrollment (CE) is a program where students can earn college credit for courses that they are taking in high school! College classes are taught at the high school by university-approved high school instructors. This program is available for ALL of our MMHS students and provides affordable access to higher education. Concurrent enrollment credit transfers to ALL state colleges, regardless of where the credit originated. For private institutions, it is best to contact that institution directly to see how their registrar's office accepts concurrent enrollment credit.
General Requirements for UVU Concurrent Enrollment:
3.0 GPA for academic courses
2.0 GPA for CTE courses
CS1400 Computer Programming 2
Computer Science Principles (CS1030) or Computer Programming 1 (INFO1200) strongly recommended
Math 1010/1030/1040
Complete Secondary Math 1, 2, and 3 with a C average each year
(Introduction to Data Science can replace SM3 for Math 1040 only!)
OR Students who did NOT earn a C average may be allowed to enroll based on a qualifying ALEKS or ACT placement test score.
Here are the scores if you do not qualify with a C average grade.
MATH1010 requires an ALEKS score of ≥30 OR ACT math score of 19+
MAT1030 requires an ALEKS score of ≥42 OR ACT math score of 21+
STAT 1040 requires an ALEKS score of ≥46 OR ACT score of 23+
Math 1050
Complete Secondary Math 1, 2, and 3 with a C average each year
AND have a math ACT score of 23+ (you may substitute an ACT score with an ALEKS Math Placement Test score of >= 46-60) OR completion of MATH1010 with a grade of C or better
The Accuplacer and ALEKS tests are ONLY available on UVU's campus. Students can retake the test up to 3 times but must allow 24 hours between retakes.
Math 1060
Complete Secondary Math 1, 2, and 3 with a C average each year
AND have a math ACT score of 25+ OR completion of MATH1050 with a grade of C or better
The Accuplacer and ALEKS tests are ONLY available on UVU's campus. Students can retake the test up to 3 times but must allow 24 hours between retakes.
English 1010 (seniors only @MMHS)
Completion of 10th/11th grade English classes with B average
Have an ACT score of 19+ in English AND 19+ in Reading
OR have an ACT score of 20+ in English and 18+ in Reading
OR have an ACT score of 18+ in English and 20+ in Reading
OR substitute ACT score with a qualifying score from the Accuplacer test (ONLY available through UVU), the cost is $24 for the first two tests and then $10 per retake per section). There is an option to have this test proctored in your home for an additional $10 fee.
Schedule a time to take Accuplacer at UVU
You must complete admissions and have a UVID number and a photo ID to take the test
You MUST register for BOTH sections on the first try regardless of your ACT score
Retakes are allowed for up to 2 retakes. You must plan on 24 hours between retakes.
You must score 250 or higher on both test sections to qualify for English 1010.
English 2010 (seniors only)
Completion of English 1010 with a C- or better
OR official ACT scores of 29+ in English AND Reading
OR earned ENGL1010 credit by scoring 3+ on the AP English Language exam (YOU must login to your CollegeBoard account and request that this score be sent by CollegeBoard to UVU by Dec 1 to have UVU receive it in time to register. CollegeBoard sends this via UPS -- snail mail. It is not immediate!)
Spring 2025:
Last day to WITHDRAW with a W from a Full year course
Last day to complete UVU Admissions
Last day to complete registration
Late registration begins. A $15 late fee automatically applied to EACH registered course
Late registration closes.
Last day to drop a class without a 'W' from a Spring course
Tuition due ($5 per credit, payable online to UVU, late fees may apply)
Last day to WITHDRAW with a W from a Spring course
Fall 2025:
Last day to complete UVU Admissions
Last day to complete course sign-up
Late registration begins. A $15 late fee automatically applied to EACH registered course
Late registration closes.
Last day to DROP WITHOUT a 'W' for Fall and Full year courses
Tuition due ($5 per credit, payable online to UVU, late fees may apply)
Last day to WITHDRAW with a 'W' from a Fall course
Last day to WITHDRAW with a W from a Full year course
UVU does NOT extend deadlines.
How are my PARENT rights different for my Concurrent Enrollment student than a regular college student?
We know what an important partner parents can be in their student's success at UVU. We look forward to working with you to help your student have a good experience in college. Parents need to be aware that because of FERPA privacy laws, UVU cannot give information about their student's account to anyone except the student... ...even if they are under the age of 18. Students who have questions regarding their concurrent enrollment classes should make primary contact with UVU or Maple Mountain's Concurrent Enrollment Coordinator, Mrs. Robyn Dunn. UVU requires that the student be present when answering questions regarding their accounts.
PARENTS: We strongly encourage you to let your child register themselves. Stand by to help them if problems arise, but let them do the work. This is a valuable skill that will serve them well as they transition to college after high school. For additional information about FERPA rules, or to have your student fill out a release form giving permission for their parent to have access to their UVU information, please click here.