Configuration V1

This section is about the detailed configuration of the iBIM PDF Connector in the iBIM administrator workspace.

Note: Configuration of the iBIM administrator workspace is mostly performed by or in cooperation with a neanex consultant. If something is unclear, please contact us via

In the top menu of the iBIM administrator workspace, select 'Workspace overview'.

Click on the workspace you want to configure. The configuration of the connector is Workspace specific. This implies that you have to set the configuration separately for each Workspace in which the connector is being used.

Note: If the workspace is not in the list it needs to be added. See iBIM administrator workspace.

After selecting the workspace, make sure that the tab 'PDF CONNECTOR CONFIGURATION' is selected. The following settings are shown:


Each workspace has 1 general settings element which includes following options:

  • PortalID. The ID of the PDF Connector portal in the production workspace. In this portal you can define the detail views which will be shown in the browser window of the connector. * this setting is optional, if no portal is assigned the main portal will be used.

  • Checksum. Enable/disable checksum functionality

  • iPosts. Enable/disable iPost functionality

  • iPostReply. Determine whether it is possible to reply to iPosts in the connector.

  • ContentElementID. The ID of the Content element in Relatics. (#1 in figure of relatics model)

  • ExpiredContentRR. The RootRef of the expired content relation in Relatics. (#3 in figure of relatics model)

  • ExtractElementID. The ID of the Extract element in Relatics. (#2 in figure of relatics model)


The Relatics element(s) that will be available in the connector.

  • Name. The name of the element in the Relatics model

  • ConfigurationOfRef. The ConfigurationOfRef of the element in Relatics. (#5 in figure of relatics model)

  • ContentRelationRR. RootRef of the relation between the element and content. (#4 in figure of relatics model)

  • Textfield. Determines where the text of the element is stored. Currently there are 4 different options: Description, RichText, Separate element - Description, Separate element - RichText

  • Screenshot. Determine whether it is possible to assign a screenshot to the element

  • Screenshot_RR. The RootRef of the relation between the element and the image. (#9 in figure of relatics model)

  • HighlightColor. The color which has to be used to highlight the element. List with available colors:


Information about the relation between the Relatics element and its text. This is only required when the text of the element is stored in a separate element.

  • RR_Relation. The RootRef of the element - text relation. (#8 in figure of relatics model)

  • CoR_R1. The ConfigurationOfRef of the R1 element in the element - text relation. (#6 or #7 in figure of relatics model)

  • CoR_R2. The ConfigurationOfRef of the R2 element in the element - text relation. (#6 or #7 in figure of relatics model)

The numbers in red above correspond with the numbers in red below. They describe where to find the right ID's in the data model. To understand how the data model works, a detailed description is provided below.


The Inhoud=Content has a property called “CheckSum”. This property is a GUID (Globally Unique IDentifier)- calculated value. It is based on the content of the PDF, therefore it is unique for each PDF file. Once the CheckSum is registered in Relatics the connector will open automatically the PDF without asking to which Relatics document it is linked.

Requirements are attached to “Content” (a specific version of the document). In the left part of the connector you select texts, the metadata is stored in an “Extract” element that points to the relation between requirement and content.

It is important that you make use of a library relation between Element and Content. The relation starting from ‘Extract’ points to this library relation. This is required to make the connector work with multiple elements.


iPosts elements are comments/issues that are placed in a certain position in the document’s content, therefore they are directly attached to that specific content. An iPost can have a reply and that’s why it has a relation to himself in the Relatics model.

Following is a list with the web-services that the PDF Connector uses:

Web Service Operation Name

  • ircDocumentList. Returns a list with all PDF documents which are registered in Relatics, and all content (revisions or versions) which are related to those documents. This is the 1st web service which is called. In case the Document is still not known in Relatics the user must select a Document Type to register the new document.This list provides the user with those documents.

  • ircRequirementList. Returns a list with requirements which are related to a specific content. This is the 2nd web service which is called.

  • *ibcIPostList. Returns a list with iPosts related to the document.

Web services to send data to Relatics

  • ircRegisterDocument. Registers a PDF document in Relatics, ie. stores the CheckSum of a PDF document in Relatics. The import will start at the Configuration Of Ref of the Document type selected by the user and provided by the ircDocumentList operation.

  • ircRegisterContent. Registers ‘content’ Relatics, ie. stores the CheckSum of a PDF document in Relatics. The content is created automatically when creating the source document and the Kenmerk(Content)

  • ibcUploadText. Used to upload texts to Relatics. This web service is added since the setup from 2016-9.

  • *ircCreateImage. Uploads a screenshot to Relatics which is related to a requirement.

  • *ibcCreatePdfIpost. Uploads an iPost to Relatics which is related to the content.

* Optional web services - only necessary when iPost and/or screenshot feature(s) are available

Parent topic: PDF Connector